Effects of Non-flooded Cultivation with Straw Mulching on Rice Agronomic Traits and Water Use Effici

来源 :Rice Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bcdagjcly
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A field experiment was conducted to study water use efficiency and agronomic traits in rice cultivated in flooded soil and non-flooded soils with and without straw mulching. The total amount of water used by rice under flooded cultivation (FC) was 2.42 and 3.31 times as much as that by rice under the non-flooded cultivation with and without straw mulching, respectively. The average water seepage was 13 560 m3/ha under the flooded cultivation, 4 750 m3/ha under the non-flooded cultivation without straw mulching (ZM) and 4 680 m3/ha under non-flooded cultivation with straw mulching (SM). The evapotranspiration in the SM treatment was only 38.2% and 63.6% of the FC treatment and ZM treatment, respectively. Compared with the ZM treatment, straw mulching significantly increased leaf area per plant, main root length, gross root length and root dry weight per plant of rice. The highest grain yield under the SM treatment (6 747 kg/ ha) was close to the rice cultivated in flooded soil (6 811.5 kg / ha). However, the yield under the ZM treatment (4 716 kg/ ha) was much lower than that under the FS treatment and SM treatment. The order of water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency were both as follows: SM> ZM> FC. A field experiment was conducted to study water use efficiency and agronomic traits in rice cultivated in flooded soil and non-flooded soils with and without straw mulching. The total amount of water used by rice under flooded cultivation (FC) was 2.42 and 3.31 times as much as that by rice under the non-flooded cultivation with and without straw mulching, respectively. The average water seepage was 13 560 m3 / ha under the flooded cultivation, 4 750 m3 / ha under the non-flooded cultivation without straw mulching (ZM ) and 4 680 m3 / ha under non-flooded cultivation with straw mulching (SM). The evapotranspiration in the SM treatment was only 38.2% and 63.6% of the FC treatment and ZM treatment, respectively. Compared with the ZM treatment, straw mulching The most grain yield under the SM treatment (6 747 kg / ha) was close to the rice cultivated in flooded soil (6 811.5kg / ha). However, the yield under the ZM treatment (4 716 kg / ha) was much lower than that under the FS treatment and SM treatment. The order of water use efficiency and irrigation water use efficiency were both as follows: SM > ZM> FC.
【摘 要】目的:中国的教育在传统上缺少批判性思维,因而调查学生批判性思维的能力,加强批判性思维训练, 具有特别重要的意义。方法 用加利福尼亚批判性思维气质问卷中文版CTDI-CV (CTDI - Chinese version 2)来调查学生的批判性思维能力。结果:二年级护理生批判性思维能力总分:227.3±18.5;得分明显偏低。采用一些手段提高学生的批判性思维倾向水平,具有一定理论和实践意义。
【摘 要】地理思维能力是处于各种能力的核心地位,在新课标改革的背景下,其的培养凸显重要。近年来地理高考试题较为鲜明地反映了地理教学、地理命题、地理学科发展的共性特点,即培养、考查学生地理思维方法是最本质的目标,因此,培养学生的地理思维能力是地理课程改革的方向之一,也是地理课堂教学的主要目标。在此,笔者结合教学实践,总结在地理教学中培养学生地理思维能力的若干方式。  【关键词】地理教学 地理思维 培
【摘 要】新课程标准从形式到内容上都作了较大变化,对教师的教学手段提出了新的挑战,在新课程标准下,教师要认识到课程改革的重要性和必要性,要更新旧观念,树立新意识,转变角色,确认自己新的教学身份。教师不仅仅是知识的传授者,更要成为学生学习活动的组织者,引导者,合作者。  【关键词】转换角色 组织者 引导者 合作者 创新教育  为了适应21世纪社会与经济的发展,进一步推进素质教育,教育部启动了新一轮的
【摘 要】后现代史学是过去三十年来在历史思维领域注入的最具活力、持续时间最长的西方思潮,后现代史学的后粗线主要应该从后现代主义一次加以追溯。它在史学认识论、史学方法论等方面产生了结构性催化作用,而对于中国史学来说,即便对后现代史学的冲击反应迟钝,但也最后冲击影响了中国史学研究。本文章主要是从后现代史学大范围影响中国史学界入手,总结后现代史学在中国史学界的体现,探讨后现代史学的价值。  【关键词】后