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高职院校的科研档案工作应该定位准确,从实际出发,以高职的教育教学为中心,以应用性科研项目管理为主攻方向。本文针对高职院校科研档案的特点,从高职院校科研档案的归档范围、归档要求、科研档案利用的方式和措施及如何做好高职院校科研档案管理工作等方面做了阐述。 Scientific research archives work in higher vocational colleges should be positioned accurately, starting from reality, centered on higher vocational education and teaching, and focused on applied research projects management. In this paper, according to the characteristics of scientific research archives in higher vocational colleges, this paper expounds the scope of archiving scientific research archives in higher vocational colleges, filing requirements, the ways and measures for the utilization of scientific archives and how to do a good job in scientific archives management in higher vocational colleges.
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