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Why do earthworms crawl above ground after it rains? Earthworms breathe air and when it rains,their holes fill with water.If they didn’t surface,they’d drown. 为什么下雨后蚯蚓爬出地面?蚯蚓呼吸空气。下雨时,它们蛰居的泥洞里充满了水。如果它们不爬出地面,它们就 Why do earthworms crawl above ground after it rains? Earthworms breathe air and when it rains,their holes fill with water.If they didn’t surface,they’d drown. Why did you climb out of the ground after the rain?蚯蚓 Breath the air. When it rains, the mud caves they live in are filled with water. If they don’t climb out of the ground, they
If you are careless it means that you do not pay attention to what you are doing,so you make mistakes or have accidents.如果你careless,那指的是你做事漫不经心,
January 30, 1995 Dear Lan Lan, Today is the Eve of our Spring Festival. Yesterday, we went to see the Dragon and Lion Dance and the fireworks in Manchester Chi
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几天前.我的11岁女儿从学校毒完试回到家.同我开头带有“S”。字母的猪的另一个名称.我刚要回答是“Swine”。她马上插嘴说:“我写了Sausages” A few days ago, my 11-year
Many of usmust have heardof Harvard andYale, the mostfamous universi-ties in America,but have you heard of Fisk, asmall university in Nashville? Fisk Universit
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Max Mara全新旗舰店在铜锣湾名店坊正式开幕!品牌为了隆重其事,请来刘嘉玲联同品牌管理层担任特别嘉宾,为全新Max Mara主持揭幕仪式。新店分为两层,嘉宾在店外走过红地毯后来