全民办电 势如破竹 辽宁地区在抓钢铁的同时展开全民办电运动的报告

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东北地区由于工农业大跃进用电迅速上涨,加以今年雨少缺水,水电站柘水,因此电力供应极为紧张,9月份以来实际发电能力较需要发电量经常缺30%左右,且日趋严重。辽宁省委为解决缺电问题,在电力工业的基建和生产上采取了一系列的措施,并要求各企业、机关、居民大力进行节电和办电工作。省成立了电力抗旱三人小组,抽出十来名干部专抓办电工作。省委提出“苦战一个月到一个半月,千方百计节电与办电,解决30%的电源”。10月5日召开一次办电会议,会议上省委做了重要指示,发出办电百万瓦的响亮口号。到开会期间,各地在市委和企业机关党委领导下,已办成数百个小电站,容量共8,200瓦,加上柴油、水力、汽力等各种小动力直接传动生产设 In the northeast region, due to the rapid growth in electricity use during the Great Leap Forward of Industry and Agriculture, and due to lack of water in this year’s rains and flooding of hydropower stations, the power supply is extremely tight. Since September, the actual power generation capacity is often less than 30% of the required power generation capacity, and it has become increasingly serious. In order to solve the power shortage problem, the Liaoning Provincial Party Committee adopted a series of measures in infrastructure and production of the power industry, and required all enterprises, agencies, and residents to vigorously save electricity and work on electricity. The province established a power drought-resistant three-person team and drawn out a dozen cadres to specialize in office work. The provincial party committee put forward a “battle for one month to one and a half months, doing everything possible to save electricity and operate electricity to solve 30% of the power supply.” On October 5th, an electric conference was held. At the conference, the provincial party committee made an important directive and issued a loud slogan for operating megawatts. During the meeting, under the leadership of the party committee of the municipal party committee and the corporate authorities, the localities have organized hundreds of small power stations with a total capacity of 8,200 watts, plus diesel, hydro, steam and other small-power direct-drive production facilities.