
来源 :中学生英语·七年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:delicious_bupt
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  The train went on, moving away from the sound. I jumped out of the carriage and walked back up the track. The tunnels were lined with sheets of black cloth. When I pulled one back I found the blue phantom1 in a secret room.
  The room clearly wasn’t part of the ride. In fact it looked like a pretty nice kid’s bedroom, with a bed, a desk and shelves of books; it even had a small TV. The phantom was sitting on the bed. When he saw me, he was surprised and wiped his eyes.
  “Have you come to make fun of the scares again?” he asked.
  “Er, no,” I said, finding out for the first time that the phantom was about my age. I thought he is pretty young in phantom years because some of them had been around for centuries. “Actually, I wanted to say sorry.”
  “It’s OK,” he said. “You were right anyway. The scares are boring, and now they’re closing the ride down because I can’t make anyone scared. And kids only go on the rides with the loudest screams.”
  “I could scream,” I said. “If you think it would help.”
  “我可以尖叫。” 我说,“如果你认为这能帮上忙。”
  “One scream can’t compete2 with the Dinosaur Dipper or the Rocket Launcher,” said the phantom. “But thanks for offering, and for not laughing at me when I jumped in front of the train.”
  “Why would I laugh?” I asked.
  “That’s what kids used to do before the big rides came,” he said. “I tried to be scary, but they thought I was just someone in a silly blue suit. Some even threw their apples at me, which wasn’t very nice.”
  Suddenly the black curtain flapped back.
  “What on earth!” gasped3 the woman from the ghost-train booth, moving her head between the phantom and me and looking pretty scared.
  “It’s OK,” I said. “He’s very friendly—”
  “I know he’s friendly!” shouted the woman. “But what about you? As soon as the empty train came out I knew you’d be walking around and making trouble. Your mother told me.”   “我知道他很友善!”女人喊道,“但是你呢?空火车一出来,我就知道你会在周围乱闯惹麻烦,你妈妈和我说过的。”
  “Uh?” I said, because I couldn’t work out what was going on.
  “Oh dear!” she shouted. “Now everyone will find out about my Bluey.”
  “It’s OK, Mum,” said the phantom quickily comforting4 the woman.
  I couldn’t work out how a woman could have a phantom for a kid, but they both looked scared, which might be a first for this train. And the thing they were scared of was me telling Mum about the phantom.
  “I won’t tell,” I smiled. “Mum wouldn’t believe me anyway—she never does.”
  “What do you mean?” said the woman.
  “Oh, I see strange things all the time,” I said.
  Bluey’s mum told that she had inherited6 the young phantom along with the train. She decided to adopt7 him as she didn’t have any children of her own. Then I told them all about my unbelievable8 stories to show that I was OK.
  “In fact this may be the least scary thing that’s happened to me!” I said.
  “Thanks a lot,” sighed Bluey.
  “No, I didn’t mean...” I said, thinking I might offended9 him.
  “It’s OK,” Bluey’s mum smiled and touched the phantom’s hair. “I guess some phantoms are just naturally scary, while others are not. And I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
  “Actually,” I said, “I think phantoms can be whatever they want to be.”
  “What?” they both said.
  I told them about the time I met a shape-shifting phantom in a pet shop. He turned from a goldfish into a tiger to scare me away.
  “I can’t shape-shift,” said the phantom.
  “Have you ever tried?” I asked.
  “Of course not,” he said. “I wouldn’t know how.”
  “Well, the one in the pet shop seemed to concentrate10 when he did it,” I said. “You could always give it a go.”
  “What should I concentrate on?” he asked.
  “I’ve got an idea!” I said, and quickly took Bluey and his mum to the part of the ghost train with the werewolf11. “Now concentrate on him—but you might want to think you have two fangs12 instead of one.”
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