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通过对中俄原油管道漠河-加格达奇段多年冻土区的现场勘查研究,统计了管道运营以来出现的冻土次生地质灾害主要有冻胀、融沉、水毁、冻胀丘、冰椎等.在研究区域特定的气候背景下,管道的修建和季节性变化的正油温运营,破坏了管道周围冻土的水热平衡,使得管道周围土体出现差异性冻胀和融沉,这种差异性位移量的累积对管道安全稳定长期运营造成了威胁.以管道里程MDX364处的冻胀丘为例,利用探地雷达进行了现场探测.结果表明:管道周围存在的融区为冻胀丘的发生和发展提供了水源补给通道,管道的热影响加速了冻胀丘的发展和消融,2014年3-10月管道周围地表产生的差异性位移超过了1.1 m.针对该次生开放型季节冻胀丘,提出了修筑或疏通管道附近的排水通道、钻孔放水和保温排水渗沟等防治措施.研究成果能为中俄原油管道的安全稳定运营提供技术支撑,为其他冻土区管道设计施工和运营维护提供参考和依据. Through the field investigation on the permafrost zone of the Mohe-Gaddak section of the crude oil pipeline in China and Russia, the statistics of the secondary geological disasters occurring in the permafrost since the pipeline operation mainly include frost heave, thaw, water damage, frost heave, Ice vertebrae, etc. Under the specific climate background of the study area, pipeline construction and seasonally changing positive oil temperature operation destroyed the hydrothermal balance of permafrost around the pipeline, resulting in differential frost heave and thawing settlement of the soil around the pipeline, The accumulation of this differential displacement poses a threat to the long-term operation of pipeline safety and stability.Taking the frost heave at MDX364 as an example, a field probe is conducted using ground penetrating radar.The results show that the melting zone around the pipeline is frozen The occurrence and development of bulge mound provided water supply channel, and the thermal influence of the pipe accelerated the development and ablation of frost heave mound, and the displacement of surface around the pipe from March to October in 2014 exceeded 1.1 m. Type season of frozen bulge hill, put forward to construct or clear the drainage channel near the pipeline, drilling water and insulation drainage seepage ditch and other prevention and control measures.The research results can provide technical support for the safe and stable operation of the Sino-Russian crude oil pipeline To provide reference and basis for pipeline design, construction and operational maintenance of other permafrost regions.
龋病的发生发展过程中,致龋微生物生物膜(biofilm)形成是龋病发生的首要因素。变形链球菌(Streptococcus mutans)等在口腔生物膜内进行产酸代谢活动是产生龋病的直接原因。因
系统性红斑狼疮(systemic lupus erythematosus,SLE)是自身免疫介导的,以免疫性炎症为突出表现的弥漫性结缔组织病。甲状旁腺功能减退症(甲旁减)是由于甲状旁腺素(parathyroid hor