Gender Differences in Nonverbal Communication between Cultures

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sbtlan
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  【Abstract】The importance of nonverbal communication in cross-culture communication is getting more and more attention, and the differences in gender differences in language communication also have important influence on communication, especially transgender. This paper explores the non - verbal gender differences from three aspects: body language, silence, and guest language, so as to improve the gender sensitivity in nonverbal communication and avoid the possible communication errors.
  【Key words】cross-culture communication; nonverbal communication; gender differences
  With the deeper study of cross-culture communication, nonverbal communication has been paid more and more attention gradually even more than the verbal communication. Nonverbal communication involves all those nonverbal stimuli in a communicating setting that are generated by both the source and his or her use of the environment and that have potential message value for the source and receiver. The differences between men and women in nonverbal communication between cultures are very important. The paper will indicates the specific gender differences in nonverbal communication and explains these differences.
  1. Gender differences in Body Language
  Generally speaking, body language consists of body movements and facial expressions.
  1.1 Walking Posture
  For both Eastern and Western aesthetic, women’s walking posture should be elegant and generous. Women are also strict with themselves to this request as the standard, and strive to achieve, otherwise it will make their image greatly reduced. The men’s walking position is sonorous and powerful with firm pace and chest rise. Men’s walking speed is medium, or even faster, unlike women’s slow elegance.
  1.2 Facial Expression
  Facial expressions occupies a very important position in body language.
  1.2.1 Smile
  When women are laughing, they are usually smiling, rarely laughing loudly in public, and often covering their mouth with their hands. But men get more hearty smile, by which to show their self-confidence and open-minded. But if women do the same, they will be considered impolite and indecent, especially in public places.
  1.2.2 Eyes Contact
  In China, people avoid looking directly at each other in order to show their courtesy, respect or obey. Women are more evident than men in this point. While men do not stare at each other, but the frequency and the duration of time to watch each other are far more than women. In Western culture, both men and women should maintain eye contact during the conversation, which is considered to be educated and courteous.   2. The Gender Differences Reflected in Silence of Paralanguage
  Silence as a paralanguage is a peculiar phenomenon in human communication. Its role in communication is very unique. Men’s silence is not the lack of communicative competence but the intentional restraint, which is a means and strategy to control the situation. On the contrary, silence in the eyes of women means avoiding communication, neglecting others, rejecting, dissatisfaction, and so on, so they always fill in vacancies caused by silence in various ways.
  3. Gender Differences Reflected in Object
  Object language includes objective things and some environmental factors attached to the subject and forming the subject identity with the subject.
  3.1 Dressing
  Dressing in the communication also builds communicative significance. The difference between men and women in dressing is very obvious. Women do care about wearing certain clothes on certain occasions. Most men wear casual clothing in the work, and men wearing a suit in leisure places can be seen everywhere.
  3.2 Space View
  Space language also plays an important role in the construction of communicative meanings. Women allow both men and other women to stand closer to them than do men. Men regard space as a symbol of dominance over women. They claim more personal space than women, and they will protect their territories and defend violations.
  4. Conclusion
  In the interaction between the opposite sex, due to the lack of sensitivity and awareness in the gender differences, people will automatically explain, judge and evaluate other people’s expression and non-verbal behavior with their own gender culture rules. In contrast, non-verbal behavior is easily to be overlooked, which can cause communication errors. Only a deeper understanding of these differences and the underlying causes can help smooth communication between people from different cultures.
  [1]Hall Edward T.The silent language[M].New York:Anchor Books/Doubleday,1959.
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