Speedy rescue on the railroad 铁轨上的极速营救

来源 :疯狂英语·新读写 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:bright_wish
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  It was late, about 10:15 pm, when Janice arrived at the Bellport, New York train station. She’d just returned from visiting her mother who lives in Philadelphia. Brought up by the single mother alone since 4 years old, Janice made it a rule to visit her every other month. She quickly got off the train, walked into the parking lot and jumped into her car. All these were so familiar to her since she had traveled the route so many times. After a short break, Janice happily began the 20-minute drive home. She knew that her husband and seven-year-old son were eagerly waiting for her return.
  She was practically driving as usual when, out of nowhere, a minivan (小型面包车) hit Janice’s car, knocking her backward some 100 feet onto the railroad tracks. Realizing what had happened after a few seconds, she was scared and tried to escape from the car. But she failed to open the door.
  As it happened, Peter, a volunteer firefighter and retired teacher, had just closed his book and was going to bed when he heard the loud sound of metal on metal and shattering (破碎) glass coming from not far outside his bedroom window. He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the door, knowing that there could be a car accident nearby and that it was difficult for the police to reach there in a short time on such a dark night.
  The first car he came upon was the minivan that had hit Janice’s. Peter rushed over to check if the driver was alive. Once he concluded the driver was OK, he looked around and spotted Janice’s car on the railroad tracks.
  Meanwhile, he heard a sound of an on-coming train. As a volunteer firefighter, Peter calmly ran to the passenger side. After smashing the door open with a rock, he pushed aside the airbags, grabbed Janice’s arms, and pulled her toward him across the passenger seat until he could help her out. Peter’s heroic actions were reported by the local newspaper, but he simply said, “Any firefighter would have done what I did. We’re always on duty.”
  1. What’s the function of the first paragraph?
  A. To briefly introduce the background.
  B. To show the danger of driving alone.
  C. To praise Janice’s deep love for her mother.
  D. To describe the difficult life of a single mother.
  2. What can we know about Peter?
  A. He was sleeping when the accident happened.
  B. He found it difficult to search for the drivers.   C. He was once a professional firefighter.
  D. He has retired from teaching.
  3. What does the underlined word “smashing” in the last paragraph mean?
  A. Pulling.     B. Lowering.     C. Breaking.     D. Pushing.
  4. Which of the following words can best describe Peter?
  A. Proud and adventurous.                      B. Calm and modest.
  C. Strict and quiet.                                   D. Mean and old-fashioned.
  Ⅰ. Useful expressions
  bring up 撫养
  make...a rule 使……成为惯例
  be familiar to 为……所熟悉
  wait for 等待
  as usual 照常
  look around 环顾四周
  Ⅱ. Difficult sentence
  He grabbed a flashlight and ran out of the door, knowing that there could be a car accident nearby and that it was difficult for the police to reach there in a short time on such a dark night. 他抓起手电筒,从门口跑了出去,知道附近可能发生了车祸,在这么黑的夜晚,警察很难很快赶到那里。
  【点石成金】该句中knowing...on such a dark night作伴随状语,其中that后紧跟两个宾语从句,there could be a car accident nearby和it was difficult for the police to reach there in a short time on such a dark night。
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