Chemokines and Chemokine Receptors:Their Manifold Roles in Homeostasis and Disease

来源 :Cellular & Molecular Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhanggexian
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Chemokines are a superfamily of small proteins that bind to G protein-coupled receptors on target cells andwere originally discovered as mediators of directional migration of immune cells to sites of inflammation andinjury.In recent years,it has become clear that the function of chemokines extends well beyond the role inleukocyte chemotaxis.They participate in organ development,angiogenesis/angiostasis,leukocyte traffickingand homing,tumorigenesis and metastasis,as well as in immune responses to microbial infection.Therefore,chemokines and their receptors are important targets for modulation of host responses in pathophysiologicaiconditions and for therapeutic intervention of human diseases.Cellular & Molecular Immunology.2004;1(2):95-104. Chemokines are a superfamily of small proteins that bind to G protein-coupled receptors on target cells and have originally discovered as mediators of directional migration of immune cells to sites of inflammation and in jury. Recent years, it has become clear that the function of chemokines extends well beyond the role inleukocyte chemotaxis. the participation in organ development, angiogenesis / angiostasis, leukocyte trafficking and homing, tumorigenesis and metastasis, as well as in immune responses to microbial infection. ago chemokines and their receptors are important targets for modulation of host responses in pathophysiology studies and for therapeutic intervention of human diseases. Cellular & Molecular Immunology. 2004; 1 (2): 95-104.
夫妻俩坐在床边,身旁放着一个发白的帆布包,中间堆着一些硬币和极小面额的钞票。丈夫低头抽烟,淡淡的烟雾浮散在房内,衬得男人颇显气概。妻子盯着床里面的两个孩子,不时将被子向上拉拉,掖好,但显然心不在焉。屋外漆黑一片,四下里安静无声。  妻子似乎有些不耐烦,再一次照看过孩子后,转过头说道:“他爸,咱们也该想法子了,再这样下去,只怕家底都赔光了。”  丈夫咳了一声,烟抽得更猛了。  妻子又望着那一堆零钱,
“杂拌儿,杂拌儿,甜甜的杂拌儿啊!……”  每天这个时候,老王的吆喝声准时在小巷子里喊起,对于孩子们来说,这是一天最甜的时刻。买上一小块杂拌儿,与小伙伴们边玩边吃,若是可以收获小伙伴们羡慕的目光,更是甜到了骨子里。  老王卖了大半辈子的杂拌儿。  老王的杂拌儿甜蜜了两代人的童年。  老王这个年纪本该是在享福的,但老王可闲不住,不做杂拌儿就觉得手痒,浑身不舒服,于是又重操旧业。老王对自己的手艺很自信