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我科自1972~1982年共做直肠癌根治切除术(Miles手术)196例,其中81例结扎双侧髂内动脉。本文就结扎双侧髂内动脉81例和未结扎组115例进行对比分析,报告如下。临床资料性别与年龄:81例中男59例,女22例,年龄21~67岁。病期与病理:本组病例病程均较长,入院前误诊率高,故皆为中、晚期直肠癌。但全组病例经肛门直肠指检。距肛3~6cm均可触及癌块,癌块占直肠腔周径1/2至全圈。术后病理检查癌均已侵犯肠壁肌层。术中探查癌与周围组织紧密相连,致手术中难度较大。手术时间及出血量:本组手术时间为3~4小时。输血量300~600ml者66例(81.48%);出血量很少而未输血者9例(11.1%)。另有6例(7.4%)因巨 In our department, 196 patients underwent radical resection of the rectal cancer (Miles operation) from 1972 to 1982, of which 81 patients had bilateral internal iliac arteries ligated. In this paper, 81 cases of bilateral internal iliac artery ligation and 115 cases without ligation group were compared and analyzed. The report is as follows. Clinical data on gender and age: 81 cases of 59 males and 22 females, aged 21 to 67 years. Disease period and pathology: The duration of the disease in this group was longer, and the rate of misdiagnosis before admission was high, so it was all middle and late rectal cancer. However, the entire group of patients was examined by anorectal rectal examination. From the anus 3 ~ 6cm can touch the cancer block, cancer block accounted for 1/2 of the full diameter of the rectal cavity to full circle. Postoperative pathological examinations have invaded the intestinal wall muscles. Intraoperative exploration of cancer is closely related to the surrounding tissue, making it difficult to perform surgery. Operation time and blood loss: The operation time of this group was 3 to 4 hours. There were 66 cases (81.48%) with blood transfusion volume of 300-600ml, and 9 cases (11.1%) with little blood loss and no transfusion. Another 6 cases (7.4%) due to huge
典出江苏淮安,传世700年的奶油肚丝汤是当地极富盛名的小吃,菜的主人是窦娥,楚州人为纪念窦娥,特别沿袭了她的做法,并一直发扬至今,其中牛奶就是不可缺少的主料之一。 Code
作者于1906年1938收集49例肺错构瘤男28、女21,年龄16~72岁(平均49.8岁)。支气管镜检查34例,支气管造影8例,胸壁穿刺活检2例。 43例错构廇胸片呈周围型园形不透明阴影,6例有
温暖的春夏可以露臂、露肩、露腹、露背。冬天可别想啦。那就穿上裙装、配个短靴show一下小腿吧。千万别忘了,在show之前把小腿上的赘肉修理掉,纤美塑形,尽现修长与完美! Wa