Xilinx是全世界最大的可编程逻辑解决方案供应商,开发、制造并销售各种不同的先进IC和配套的软件产品。该公司自1984年成立以后,就率先采用革命性的新技术即 FPGA(现场可编程门阵列),并于1985年发售其第一个FPGA产品。1992年,Xilinx的产品系列有所扩大,推出 CPLD(复杂可编程逻辑器件)。1995年,Xilinx购并高性能设计软件商NeoCAD后如虎添翼,更有能力推出完整的可编程逻辑解决方案,以满足日益扩展的市场需要。
Xilinx is the world’s largest provider of programmable logic solutions, developing, manufacturing and selling a variety of advanced IC and supporting software products. Since its establishment in 1984, the company has taken the lead in adopting a revolutionary new technology called FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) and launched its first FPGA product in 1985. In 1992, Xilinx’s product line expanded to introduce CPLDs (Complex Programmable Logic Devices). In 1995, Xilinx was able to add NeoCAD, a high-performance design software company, to become even more capable of introducing complete programmable logic solutions to meet the expanding market needs.