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80年代初以来,香港经济一直处于由以制造业和出口贸易为主转向以服务业为主的结构转型过程中。香港经济转型中最突出、最令人关注的变化,是数万家厂商把劳动密集型生产工序和生产线以及上千亿的工业投资陆续潮水般地迁移和倾泻在以珠江三角洲为中心的南中国地区,而其自身的制造业则逐渐走向萎缩和衰落。1994年与1980年比较,香港的工厂数目从近5万家减为3万多家,制造业雇员从近90万减为40多万,制造业在本地生产总值中所占的比重从23.7%降为约10%。尤其进入90年代后,不仅增长停滞和相对下降,还出现了绝对下降,若剔除价格因素,制造业生产总额和本地产品出口值实际上连年都是负增长。 香港工业的起飞和成为世界级的轻纺产品加工制造中心,曾经为东方之珠增添无限的荣耀。而今制造业的萎缩和衰落则不能不引起香港社会各界的震动,由此引发了一场又一场的讨论。讨论的问题可归结为二:一是香港还要不要制造业?是让它衰落下去,还是积极寻求其发展新途径?二是如何发展香港制造业?是走高增值之路,还是走高科技之路? 一、旧工业模式的衰落不等于工业发展无路可走 不论持有何种看法或观点,都不能不面对香港制造业萎缩和衰落的现实,都不能不承认原有的生产厂家在香港高成本环境下的生存空间越来越小。问题在于:? Since the early 1980s, Hong Kong’s economy has been shifting from a manufacturing-oriented and export-oriented one to a service-oriented one. The most salient and most noticeable change in Hong Kong’s economic transformation is that tens of thousands of manufacturers have moved and dumped labor-intensive production processes and production lines and hundreds of billions of industrial investments in South China, centered on the Pearl River Delta. The region, while its own manufacturing industry, is gradually shrinking and declining. In 1994 and 1980, the number of factories in Hong Kong was reduced from nearly 50,000 to more than 30,000. The number of manufacturing employees was reduced from nearly 900,000 to more than 400,000. The manufacturing sector accounted for 23.7 of the GDP. % drops to about 10%. In particular, after entering the 1990s, not only did the stagnation and relative decline in growth occur, but an absolute decline also occurred. If the price factor was excluded, the total manufacturing output and the value of local product exports were actually negative growth year after year. The take-off of Hong Kong’s industry and the establishment of a world-class textile and textile product processing and manufacturing center have added infinite glory to the Pearl of the Orient. The shrinking and decline of the manufacturing industry today cannot but arouse the vibration of Hong Kong society. This has led to discussions after another. The issues discussed can be summed up in two points: First, does Hong Kong still need to manufacture itself, let it decline, or actively seek new ways to develop it? Second, how to develop Hong Kong’s manufacturing industry? 1. The decline of the old industrial model does not mean that the industrial development has no way to go No matter what views or views are held, we cannot but face the reality of Hong Kong’s shrinking and declining manufacturing industries. We must all recognize that the original manufacturers are in Hong Kong. The living space in a high-cost environment is getting smaller and smaller. The problem is:?
(813)对一二甲基苯乙烯来源—Penta 公司;FEMA#3144,CAS#1195-32-0;同义词-1-异丙烯基-3-甲基,苯;天然同一物;天然存在-胡椒,咖啡,茴香,欧芹;香气特征—苯酚,辛香,苯乙烯,丁
MPC是中国科学院及国防科工委21所专家最新研制成功的一种新型防金属腐蚀,锈蚀剂,主要适用于地埋或大气层中的输油,输气输水管道外壁。 MPC是高分子有机化合物,防腐蚀性能强
(834)荜澄茄二氧化碳萃取物来源—Uniuersal Flavors Templar;FEMA#2339,CAS#8007-87-2;天然食用香料;天然存在—荜澄茄;香气特征—辛香,萜香,木香,胡椒,柑桔,药草;尝味特征