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近读《啬翁自订年谱》,在同治七年戊辰(公元1868年)栏下,有如下一段记载:十月,应院试。……先是州试,余取列百名外,同时通范铸少余一岁,取第二。璞斋先生大诃责,谓:“譬若千人试而额取九百九十九.有一不取者,必若也。”余至西亭,凡塾之窗及怅之顶,并书“九百九十九”五字为志。骈二短竹于枕,寝一转侧即醒,醒即起读,晨方辨色,夜必尽油二盏。见五字即泣,不觉疲也。至是余隽而范落。那时的张謇先生,年仅16虚岁。这件事感人至深,给予人们的启示也是多方面的。首先,这位璞斋先生,对学生要求极其严格。州试时,张謇并未落榜,只是名次较后,在百名以外。按照通常的情况,教师应当表扬、鼓励他,在院试时努力争取更好的成绩。可是,这位老师对于张謇的成绩不仅丝毫 Nearly read “Sikweng custom Chronicle”, in the Tongzhi seven years Bacheng (AD 1868) column, the following passage reads: October, should be hospitalized. ... ... first state test, take more than a hundred columns, at the same time cast less than one year old Fan, take the second. Puzhai big blame blame, said: “For example, if thousands of people try and get the amount of nine hundred and ninety-nine. One who did not take, will be if. ” Yu to West Pavilion, where the window of the private school and the top, And book “nine hundred and ninety-nine ” for the ambition.骈 two short bamboo in the pillow, sleeping on the side that is awake, wake up from reading, morning square color, the night will make two oil. See five words that weep, do not feel tired too. To Yu Jun and range. At that time, Mr. Zhang Jian, only 16 years old. This incident is deeply rooted and the revelation given to people is also multifaceted. First of all, Mr. Pu Zhai, who is extremely strict with his students. When the state trial, Zhang Jian did not drop, but the rankings later, outside the hundred. According to the usual situation, teachers should commend, encourage him to strive for better grades during the hospital examination. However, the teacher not only for Zhang Jian’s achievements
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