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翻译不是简单地将一种语言转换成另一种语言,而是审美主体通过审美载体,把一个客体转换成另一个客体的审美活动,即是译者通过自己的审美意识用本民族的思维方式表达出被译的原文的思维内容,要求译者能自觉地掌握和运用若干审美再现手段.阿拉伯语和汉语分属闪语系和汉藏语系,其间的差异远大于其共同点.阿拉伯语是由右往左书写的拼音文字,具有独特的语音,词汇丰富,语法复杂.词形和符号的变化规律是阿拉伯语独有的特征,词只有按约定规律结合起来才能组成意义完整的句子.汉语则是由独立的字组成的语言,语句结构较之阿拉伯语要松散些,但其隐性语法关系更丰富,重意不重形,表意方式灵活,省略现象多,词与词之间的关系常通过语序来表达.简言之,这两种语言在词汇方面有词义、词的搭配能力和词序方面的不同.在句法方面有句子结构、句序和句子内容的表达手段上的迥异.因此,若要在这两种语言间进行翻译,应根据它们在表达上的各自特点,采取适当变动,如一味用词与词的对号入座方法进行死译,既不能达意,也无法忠于原文,更谈不上表达出原文的色彩.常用的审美再现手段多种多样,增词法是其主要手段之一,本文试就阿译汉的增词法谈点管见.增词法在阿译汉过程中的运用必须以忠于原文为前提.为使原文意思明确、流畅、完美? Translation is not simply a language into another language, but the aesthetic body through the aesthetic carrier, an object into another object of aesthetic activity, that is, through their own aesthetic sense of the translator with the national way of thinking To express the content of the translated original text requires the translator to consciously grasp and use some aesthetic means of reproduction Arabic and Chinese belong to the Flash language family and the Sino-Tibetan language family, the differences between them are much larger than their common ground. Phonetic alphabet written from right to left has unique phonetic features, rich vocabulary and complex grammar, and the changing rules of terms and symbols are unique features of Arabic, and words can be combined into complete meaning sentences only according to the stipulated rules. Is a language composed of independent words. The structure of sentences is more loose than that of Arabic. However, the implicit grammatical relations are more abundant, the meaning is not heavy, the way of expressing meaning is flexible, the omission phenomenon is more, and the relationship between words Often expressed in the order of words. In short, these two languages ​​have a lexical sense of the word, the ability to match words and word order differences in the syntax of the sentence structure, sentence order and sentence Therefore, if we want to translate between these two languages, we should make appropriate changes according to their respective characteristics of expression, such as translating deadlocked words and the word’s collation, that is, both Can not be reached, can not be loyal to the original, let alone express the color of the original text. Common means of aesthetic reproduction of a variety of ways, one of its main means of additions, The use of lexical in Albanian translation must be premised on loyalty to the original text, in order to make the original meaning clear, smooth and perfect?
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