坚持民主集中制 增强班子凝聚力

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四川崇州市人武部党委在党委建设中,始终坚持民主集中制,坚持党委集体领导下的首长分工负责制,充分发挥了“一班人”的聪明才智,最大限度地调动了大家的积极性;充分团结了“一班人”齐心协力工作,有效地增强了党委的凝聚力。坚持学习教育制度。该部党委“一班人”在学习马克思、列宁、毛泽东、邓小平等无产阶级革命家关于民主集中制的论述中,采取个人自学和集体组织学习相结合,经常性学习和定期学习相结合;理论学习与联系党委班子和个人实际相结合。每个党委成员完整准确地理解和把握了民主集中制的精神实质,熟悉和掌握了民主集中制的基本理论、原则和制度。从而提高了党委成员实行民主集中制的自觉性。党委正、副书记有良好的民主作风。在党委工作中,他们注意防止了三种现象,一是防止了把“班长”当首长的现象。二是防止了把“一票权”当作“拍板权”的现象。三是防止了把“引路子” In the party committee building, the party committee of Chongming Municipal People’s Armed Forces in Sichuan Province always adhered to the principle of democratic centralism and adhered to the responsibility system of the heads of state under the collective leadership of the party committees. It gave full play to the intelligence and intelligence of “one group of people” and mobilized everyone’s enthusiasm to the maximum. Unite the “one group” to work together to effectively enhance the cohesion of party committees. Adhere to the study and education system. In studying the theory of democratic centralism by proletarian revolutionaries such as Marxism, Lenin, Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping, the “group of party members” of the Party committee of the ministry adopted a combination of individual self-study and collective organizational learning, a combination of regular study and regular study, and theoretical study And contact the party committee and individual combination. Each party member fully and accurately understood and grasped the essence of democratic centralism and was familiar with and mastered the basic theories, principles and systems of democratic centralism. Thus raising the consciousness of party committees in implementing democratic centralism. Party committees, deputy secretary of a good style of democracy. In the work of Party committees, they noticed three kinds of phenomena, one that prevented the “squad leader” from being the leader. The second is to prevent the “one-vote” as a “clapper right” phenomenon. The third is to prevent the “lead the way”
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