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《哈扎尔辞典》(XaзapcKи peчHиK)是一部独树一帜的小说,由三个既可独立成书而又有机结合的篇什组成。就内容而言,小说中幻想与现实,神话与真实,梦与非梦盘根错节地缠绕在一起,时空倒溯,人鬼转换,似真非真,似假非假,扑朔迷离地描述了哈扎尔这个民族在中世纪突然从世界上消失的谜。就形式而言,更是一反历来各种传统的小说形式,别出心裁地采用了辞典的形式。读者既可以从头至尾地阅读,也可以分卷阅读,或者只读各卷中相同的辞条,或仅仅读一个辞条,都可获得一个既是历史的,又是哲学的,同时是神学的完整故事。所以作者说:“读者处于本书的中心。”帕维奇还对美国《当代作家》杂志的编者说:“当前我们作家应改变阅读小说而不是写作小说的方式,那么一切都将改变,甚至包括我们写作的方式。”《哈扎尔辞典》正是改变写作方式的成果。这部构思巧妙、新颖的小说给作者带来了世界性的声誉。迄今为止,已译成二十一种语言,在世界各地广为流传,有很长一段时间居于法国、美国和德国畅销书的榜首。罗伯特·康弗在美国《图书评论》上撰文说,“这是一部包罗万象的、饶有趣味的小说”,是“梦的拼贴画”,是“美妙绝伦的东西”。斯图尔特·伊文斯在伦敦《泰晤士报》上发表文章,赞扬这部“也许以梦为最重要的组成部分”的小说是一部“出神入化、令人眼花缭乱的成功之作”。美国评论家道格拉斯·塞博尔德也称赞这部小说“材料丰富,扣人心弦”,是“一部能以引起人们对语言、时间、历史和信仰进行思索的作品。”前苏联的著名评论家兼翻译家萨维列沃依认为这部小说使作者得以“跻身于博尔赫斯、科塔萨尔和埃科这样的当代文学大师的行列”。《哈扎尔辞典》共有两种版本,一称“阴本”,一称“阳本”。其实阴阳两本并无多大差异,有人曾对照阅读,发现仅十七行文字有所不同。这个译本是按小说在杂志上发表时的版本译出的。 XaзapcKи peчHиK is a unique novel composed of three books that can be both independent and organic. In terms of content, fiction and reality, fiction and reality, myth and reality, dreams and non-dreams are entangled with each other, time and space are retrospective, ghosts conversion, The mystery that this nation suddenly disappeared from the world in the Middle Ages. As far as the form is concerned, it is even more aversion to all kinds of traditional forms of novels, which have taken the form of dictionaries. Readers can read from start to finish, read in separate volumes, read only the same entries in each volume, or read only one entry to get both a history, philosophy, and theology Complete story So the author states: “The reader is at the center of the book.” Pavic also told the editors of the American magazine Contemporary Writer: “At the moment, we writers should change the way they read fiction rather than fiction, and everything will change, and even Including the way we write. ”The Hazare Dictionary is the result of a change in writing. This ingenious, novel novel brings a worldwide reputation to the author. To date, it has been translated into 21 languages ​​and is widely circulated around the world and has been at the top of the list of bestsellers in France, the United States and Germany for a long time. Robert Conver, writing in the American Book Review, said: “This is an all-encompassing and interesting novel,” a “dream collage,” and “fantastic.” Stuart Evans published an article in The Times in London praising the “novel, perhaps the most important part” novel as a “superb and dazzling success.” American critic Douglas Seibold also praised the novel as “informative and exciting” and “a work that can arouse people’s thinking about language, time, history, and faith.” The famous Soviet commentator The translator Savilevoy believes that the novel allows the author to “rank among the great masters of contemporary literature such as Borges, Kortal Sal and Ecko.” There are two versions of the “Hazare Dictionary”, one is called “Yin version” and the other is “Yang version.” In fact, there is not much difference between the two yin and yang, some people have read and found only seventeen lines of text is different. The translation is based on the version of the novel published in the magazine.
据不完全统计[1],全球结直肠癌每年的新发病例约为940000例,其中有15%~25%的患者在初诊时已被确诊有肝转移,而有25%~35%的患者在以后的病程中也会发生 According to incomplet
去年夏秋之交,承蒙住友财团的赞助,有机会重访京都,落藉立命馆大学,从事日本古典名著《源氏物语》的研究,寻访了《源氏物语》的文学遗踪,书两篇志于此。嵯峨古风余韵 At th