
来源 :广东水电科技 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyslst
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当前开展县级中小河流规划复查和水利化区划工作中,灌溉定额和灌溉库容曲线是复核现有水利工程供水能力和确定规划工程规模的一项基础工作,对于这个重要的技经指标能否反映当地农业用水的供需关系,如何从地区分布分析成果的合理性和规律性?这是我们一直注意探索和努力解决的问题.为此,我们用了较多的时间进行了这方面工作,现初步小结如下,供分析时参考,错漏之处,请予指正.一、分析范围的划分我区地外北江流域,总面积达3.2万平方公里.从地形、气候、降雨、温差和作物 Currently carrying out planning and review of small and medium-sized rivers and water conservancy zoning at the county level, irrigation quota and irrigation capacity curve is to review the existing water conservancy project water supply capacity and to determine the scale of planning a basic work for this important technical indicators can reflect How to distribute and analyze the rationality and regularity of the results from the local agricultural water supply and demand? This is a problem that we have always been exploring and trying hard to solve. Therefore, we spent more time doing this work, The summary is as follows, for the analysis of reference, mistakes, please correct me .. First, the analysis of the division of the area Beijiang River Basin, a total area of ​​32000 square kilometers.From the topography, climate, rainfall, temperature and crop
方法 以试油、岩心分析资料为依据 ,测井资料为基础 ,研究大洼地区安山岩储层特征。目的 识别安山岩储层类型 ,研究安山岩储层参数特征及裂缝分布情况。结果 本区安山岩储
在桥口油田沉积微相研究和划分的基础上 ,本文对河道砂微相储集层沉积特征包括岩性特征、粒度分布、砂体展布、储层物性和储层非均质性等进行了全面的研究 ,认为河道砂微相储
目的 :总结 18年放射治疗舌癌的经验。方法 :对 1979~ 1996年 18年间放射治疗的 96例舌癌进行回顾性分析 ,其中男 6 8例 ,女 2 8例 ,年龄 2 0~ 72岁 ,Ⅰ期 3例 ,Ⅱ期 8例 ,Ⅲ期
Time interleaved analog-to-digital conversion(TIADC)based on parallelism is an efective way to meet the requirement of the ultra-fast waveform digitizer beyond