Effect of severe acute pancreatitis on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction components

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:watersss1111
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AIM:To investigate the effect of severe acute pan- creatitis(SAP)on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction(DCQD)components in rats. METHODS:Rats were divided into SAP group and sham-operation group as a control group(n=6). Rhein,chrysophanol,rheochrysidin,magnolol,hesperidin and naringin in DCQD were quantified in rat serum by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for studying their pharmacokinetics. RESULTS:Early absorption of each DCQD component was tended to degrade in SAP group after treatment with DCQD by gavage.The Cmax(chrysophanol,P= 0.0059;rheochrysidin,P=0.0288;magnolol,P= 0.0487;hesperidin,P=0.0277;naringin,P=0.0023) and AUC(rhein,P=0.0186;chrysophanol,P=0.0013; magnolol,P=0.001;hesperidin,P=0.0081;naringin, P=0.0272)of DCQD component were obviously lower in SAP group than in control group.The T1/2α of chrysophanol and rheochrysidin(P=0.0467 and 0.0005,respectively)and Tmax of chrysophanol and rheochrysidin(P=0.0101 and 0.0037,respectively) lasted longer in SAP group than in control group. CONCLUSION:SAP can significantly impact the ab-sorption of DCQD components in rats and their phar-macokinetic parameters. AIM: To investigate the effect of severe acute pan-creatitis (SAP) on pharmacokinetics of Da-Cheng-Qi Decoction (DCQD) components in rats. METHODS: Rats were divided into SAP group and sham- operation group as a control group (n = 6). Rhein, chrysophanol, rheochrysidin, magnolol, hesperidin and naringin in DCQD were quantified in rat serum by high performance liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry for studying their pharmacokinetics. RESULTS: Early absorption of each DCQD component was tended to degrade in SAP group after treatment with DCQD by gavage.The Cmax (chrysophanol, P = 0.0059; rheochrysidin, P = 0.0288; magnolol, P = 0.0487; hesperidin, P = 0.0277; naringin, , P = 0.0013; magnolol, P = 0.001; hesperidin, P = 0.0081; naringin, P = 0.0272) of DCQD component were significantly lower in SAP group than in control group. 0.0005, respectively) and Tmax of chrysophanol and rheochrysidin (P = 0.0101 and 0.0037, respectively) last ed longer in SAP group than in control group. CONCLUSION: SAP can significantly impact the ab-sorption of DCQD components in rats and their phar-macokinetic parameters.
很多人认为心理疗法是个新生事物,其实不然。它在我国古代中医学中早就得到运用,中医典籍中就曾记载:“喜怒哀乐皆是药。”古代的各种心理疗法妙趣横生,留下不少奇闻佳话。更有趣的是,我发现在教育工作中,如果能因地制宜地运用这些古代心理疗法,可以轻松顺利地解决现代孩子的一些“疑难杂症”。    逗笑疗法,让孩子一笑忘记痛苦    清代有一位巡按大人,患有抑郁症,终日闷闷不乐。一位老中医经过望闻问切后,对巡按
接女儿放学,她兴奋地告诉我,老师说她表现好,奖励两颗糖果,她吃了一颗,还留了一颗,打算拿给奶奶吃。一路上,她紧紧地握着糖果,生怕一不小心弄丢了。刚到家,女儿就拿着糖兴奋地跑向餐厅,因为婆婆在那里。  “奶奶,这糖很好吃,你吃了吧。”女儿的声音传来,带着欣喜与期待,我想她多么希望奶奶接下这颗糖果,可是,婆婆却说:“我刚吃了一个苹果,吃不下,你吃吧。”女儿垂头丧气地跑到我身边,我安慰她:“你应该劝奶奶