一般地说,将分散的多台计算机、终端和外部设备用通信线路互联起来,彼此间实现互相通信,并且计算机的硬件、软件和数据资源大家都可以共同使用,实现资源共享的整个系统就叫做计算机网络。根据IEEE的描述,局域网LAN(Local Area Network)技术是“把分散在一个建筑物或相邻建筑物中的计算机、终端、带大容量存储器的外围设备、控制器、显示器、以及为连接其他网络而使用的网络连接器等相互连接起来,以很高速度进行通信的手段”。显而易见,校园网络就是一种局域网。
In general, the scattered multiple computers, terminals and external devices are interconnected by communication lines to communicate with each other, and the computer hardware, software and data resources can all be used together. The entire system for sharing resources is called computer network. According to the IEEE description, the LAN (Local Area Network) technology is “computers, terminals, peripherals with mass storage, controllers, monitors, and other devices scattered in a building or adjacent building, Network connector used by the Internet and other interconnected, high-speed means of communication ”. Obviously, the campus network is a kind of local area network.