There are some complex words in the classical Chinese (referring to the complex words made up of two meanings that are opposite or opposite words). Their meaning is very fluctuating, often because of the text and (?). It is necessary to carefully analyze and analyze according to the context to understand its exactness. meaning. For example, in the history of “The History of Stone Mortar”, “there is no end of skirts in and out”, “(?) prepares for theft and escape from his burglar” and “in the Lost Street Pavilion”, “if there is no way to get in and out” and “loud” Although the three words of the speech makers make up the “three words”, although there are complex words “in and out,” the meanings are not the same: the meaning of the word in the first example is “out” (ie “go out”), and the meaning of “into” is false. In the second case, the meaning of the word is again “in” (ie, “into”), and the meaning of “out” is blurred;