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为便于进出口货物的收发货人及其代理人正确确定进出口货物的商品归类,减少商品归类争议,保障海关商品归类执法的统一,根据《中华人民共和国海关进出口货物商品归类管理规定》(海关总署令第158 In order to make it easier for consignees and consignees of import and export goods and their agents to correctly determine the classification of goods for import and export goods, to reduce commodity classification disputes, and to guarantee the unification of customs commodity classification and enforcement, according to the "Customs Import and Export Goods of the People’s Republic of China Class Management Regulations (Order of the General Administration of Customs No. 158
Hundreds of years ago,aRoman arrny came northfrom England to make waron Scotland.The Scots,abrave people,loved theircountry very much.Theyfought hard to drive
Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to visitor.telling the Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to visitor.telling t
阳光落在眼皮上,有轻微的灼痛感,我皱了皱眉头,在king size的床上翻了个身,意识逐渐归位。床下散落着我的鞋子、外套、手包,空气里有温暖的米粥的香气以及煎蛋的滋滋声——这
Iam en la lando Mara vivis homo elKsatrija klaso,kiu suferis de grava malsano kajestis mortonta.Li do ordonis al la du filoj:“Post mia forpaso vi dividu la he
Ⅰ■e maro estis bela, bel-ega knab-ino.■iaj oku-loj* estis tre grandaj kaj brilaj.Oni sentis, kekvazaǔ■iaj okuloj parolus! Sed, bedaǔr-inde,■i estismuta*
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一、Don’t worryWife:Oh,dear me! Wemust go back at once.Husband: What’s worry?Wife:I forgot to turn off the gas (煤气).It might start to fire. One, Don’t wor