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上消化道出血的病人917例,分析其病因与ABO血型的关系,其中溃疡病487例,O型308例(63.2%),急性胃粘膜病变111例,O型57例(51.4%)。与两组正常人ABO血型分布比较,Ⅰ组为全国汉族人,O型占30.49%。Ⅱ组为贵州省中心血站资料,O型占33.65%。结果显示O型人患溃疡病及急性胃粘膜病变者较正常组明显增多,具有非常显著差异(P<0.001),但胃癌组及肝病组与正常组比较无差异(P>0.05)。O型血人易患溃疡病的原因与幽门螺杆菌易侵害O型抗原物质可能有关。 There were 917 cases of upper gastrointestinal bleeding, and their relationship with ABO blood group was analyzed. There were 487 cases of ulcer disease, 308 cases of type O (63.2%), 111 cases of acute gastric mucosal lesions, 57 cases of type O (51.4 %). Compared with the distribution of ABO blood group in normal controls, group Ⅰ was national Han nationality, O type accounted for 30.49%. Group Ⅱ center of Guizhou blood bank data, O-type accounted for 33.65%. The results showed that O-type patients with ulcer disease and acute gastric mucosal lesions than the normal group was significantly increased, with a significant difference (P <0.001), but gastric cancer group and liver disease group compared with the normal group was no significant difference (P> 0.05 ). O blood type susceptible to ulcer disease and Helicobacter pylori susceptible to O-antigen substances may be related.
Accordingtotherelateddata ,thetotalnumberofstudentsenrolledinthe 4 5 pilotuniversitiesinvolvedintheexperimentalworkofmoderndistance According to related statistics, the total number of detained laborrolledinthe 4 5 pilotuniversitiesinvolvedintheexperimen
*回回回况o’N 必臣9可I- 6 f 回 *刁口回l 回回问 回问巨 回回 回回刁_回回卜@回。 — —”MWyyt’xwl。邑4x-鹅钳- D——————————0—— 国务院技术经济研究中心经
目的 :探讨碱血症和肝硬化腹水相关性。方法 :对住院确诊的肝硬化失代偿患者 30 0例(其中发生腹水的 15 2例 )用肝素针筒抽取动脉血 0 5ml立即送检。采用丹麦产ABL4型血气分
忠于朝廷,让起义军接受朝廷的招安,是《水浒传》创作的思想核心。分析梁山先后三位首领的性格与遭遇,了解梁山招安与反招安的斗争,有助于我们更好地明了作者的思想倾向。 Loyal
OurWebsiteforinternationalexchangehasnowcameintoexistence .Currently ,therearesixcolumnsonoursite ,namely :Presidents’mssage ,OurMis? OurWebsiteforinternationalexchangehasnowcameintoexistence .Currently, therearesixcolumnsonoursite, namely: Presidents’ms
1.明确事业的目的意义树立光明正大的、符合大义名分的、崇高的事业目的 2.设立具体的目标所设目标随时与员工共有3.胸中怀有强烈的愿望要怀有渗透到潜意识的强烈而持久的愿