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目前,北京小麦已实现了8次品种更新换代,平均单产5 100.0kg/hm2左右,较1949-1957年的645.0kg/hm2提升了近7倍,较1978年提升50.5%,新品种的选育与推广发挥了重要的增产作用。结合试验与示范,对北京市目前主推的第八代小麦品种农大211、农大212、轮选987和中麦175与第七代主推品种京9428从生长发育、产量因素等方面进行了比较评价。结果表明,目前的第八代品种之所以能获得更高产量,具备以下特点:一是株高在75~80cm,较第七代品种降低5~10cm,具备了增加穗数提高产量的基础;二是分蘖力强,成穗率高,最高穗数较第七代品种增加150万穗/hm2以上,穗粒数与第七代品种相当,千粒重较第七代品种有所降低,更适合高产稳产栽培管理;三是抗寒性、抗倒性、抗干热风能力增强。第八代小麦品种更适合密植创高产。 At present, Beijing has achieved eight varieties of wheat replacement, with an average yield of about 5 100.0kg / hm2, compared with 645.0kg / hm2 from 1949 to 1957 increased nearly 7 times, up 50.5% over 1978, the breeding of new varieties And promotion has played an important role in stimulating production. Combining with the experiment and demonstration, this paper compares and evaluates the eighth generation wheat varieties Nongda 211, Nongda 212, Xunchang 987, Zhongmai 175 and the seventh generation main cultivar Jing 9428, which are the main push varieties in Beijing at present, from the aspects of growth and development, yield factors and so on. The results showed that the eighth generation was able to obtain the higher yield at present, with the following characteristics: First, the plant height was between 75cm and 80cm, which was 5 ~ 10cm lower than that of the seventh generation, with the basis of increasing the spikes and increasing the yield; The second is the strong tillering ability, ear-forming rate, the highest spike number than the seventh generation increased by 1.5 million spikes / hm2, grain number and the seventh generation of seeds is equivalent, 1000-grain weight than the seventh generation of varieties is more suitable for high yield Steady cultivation management; Third, cold resistance, lodging resistance, anti-hot and hot air capabilities. The eighth generation of wheat varieties is more suitable for planting high yield.
背景与目的:  IgG4相关性疾病是2001年Hamano等人发现的一类新的与IgG4淋巴细胞密切相关的慢性炎性疾病,它以组织内IgG4阳性浆细胞浸润、纤维化及血清IgG4升高,对类固醇激素治
目的:  胃癌的发生发展与肿瘤的免疫逃逸密切相关。近年来,日益增多的证据表明,肿瘤细胞有分泌外泌体(exosomes)的能力——肿瘤来源的外泌体(tumor-derived exosomes,TDEs)。TDEs
该博士学位论文首先探讨了6A8 cDNA的性质,初步证明了其编码一种α-甘露糖苷酶.构建了腺相关病毒(AAV)载体pAGX(+),并采用该载体介导6A8基因的正义和反义DNA转导入人淋巴细胞