
来源 :浙江国际海运职业技术学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:shushuclover1
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社科体艺部是学校二级教学单位之一,2014年在原社会科学部(前身是思政理论课教研中心)和体育艺术教学中心的基础上建立,承担着全校学生的思想政治理论、体育与健康等公共必修课和艺术选修课程教学,以及全校性体育、艺术活动的组织及其设施设备管理等项工作。社科体艺部下设思想道德修养与法律基础、毛泽东思想和中国特色社会主义理论体系概论、形势与政策、体育与健康、航海体育、艺术等课程教学团队6个。现有专兼职教师32名。其 The Social Science Arts Department is one of the second-level teaching units in the school. In 2014, it was established on the basis of the former Social Science Department (formerly the theoretical and theoretical teaching and research center) and the sports arts teaching center. It undertakes the ideological and political theory of the whole school, And public health and other elective courses and art elective courses teaching, as well as the whole school sports, arts activities and facilities management facilities and other work. Social Science and Arts Department under the ideological and moral cultivation and legal basis for the introduction of Mao Zedong Thought and the theory of socialism with Chinese characteristics Introduction to the theory system, situation and policy, sports and health, marine sports, arts teaching courses 6. The existing part-time teachers 32. its
用测压入渗仪对重粉质粘土进行了模型试验,同时根据试验结果,分析研究了垂直—维均匀土壤内气阻压力的变化规律。 The model test of heavy silty clay was carried out with
摘要:普及九年义务教育十余年来,百分之九十五以上的残疾孩子已得到义务阶段的教育,都能顺利完成学业,文化素质得到了很大提高,接受职业教育是他们的自立自强必要条件。  关键词:以人为本;职业能力;职业意识;积极的健康教育    一、以人为本、加强劳动意识教育是基础  劳动就业是最基本的民生问题,也是社会关注的焦点问题。广大残疾学生家长都希望自己的孩子走出校门后能够顺利就业,立足于社会,独立获取生活来源
Solubilities were measured for succinic acid dissolved in cyclohexanone, cyclohexanol and 5 of their mixed solvents at the temperature range from 291.85 K to 35
Autooxidation of five polyphenols representing range of different hydrophobicities(catechin gallate (CG),(-)catechin((-)C),epicatechin(EC),epigallocatechin gall