如今,在中国众多的影视城中,有一个脱颖而出的一枝独秀——华夏西部影视城。她是宁夏回族自治区内外闻名的“东方好莱坞”。 走进西部影视城的大门,迎面便是一座镶嵌在一段颓垣断壁上的黑色大理石标牌,上面用中、英、德、日、西班牙、阿拉伯等7种文字镌刻着“中国电影从这里走向世界”几个大字。的确,在这里拍摄的《牧马人》、《红高梁》、《黄河谣》、《新龙门客栈》、《大话西游》等60多部电影,有多部获国际电影节大奖,巩俐、姜文、葛优等人成了世界影坛上的著名影星。在这里参观,不仅处处领悟电影艺术迷人的魅力,而且还可以使你
Today, in many of China’s movie and television city, there is a thriving Outstanding - Western China Movie City. She is famous in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region inside and outside the “Oriental Hollywood.” Into the western movie and television city’s door, the face is a mosaic in a broken wall of black marble signs, the above with Chinese, English, German, Japanese, Spanish, Arabic and other seven kinds of text engraved with “Chinese film from here to World ”a few characters. Indeed, there are more than 60 films such as “Wrangler”, “Red Sorghum”, “Yellow River Ballad”, “New Dragon Inn” and “Westward Journey” that were taken here. They have won many awards such as International Film Festival Awards, Gong Li, Jiang Wen, And others have become well-known movie stars in the world of film and television. Visiting here not only captures the captivating beauty of cinematic art everywhere but also makes you