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根据内蒙古气象台2002年4-9月气象数值预报、病虫越冬基数调查、作物种植结构变化、病虫发生规律及病虫历年发生情况分析,预计2002年农作物主要病虫草地螟麦蚜、蝗虫、常发区的粘虫、通辽市和赤峰市南部的玉米螟、局部地区的地下害虫将偏重发生。 1、草地螟:在正常气候情况下,预计2002年草地螟一代幼虫将中等到中等偏重发生,巴盟部分地区和呼市中等偏轻发生。全区发生面积450万亩左右。另外,内蒙古有草地螟可安全越冬的大量荒山、荒坡、草场是农技人员无力调查的,周边也有此类地区,实际越冬量不清,目前对草地螟迁飞、发生规律尚不完全清楚。如外来虫源迁入量大,则气候相 According to the forecast of meteorological data from April to September in 2002 by Inner Mongolia Meteorological Station, the investigation of pest and disease overwintering base, the change of crop planting structure, the regularity of pests and diseases and the pest and disease occurrence over the years, it is estimated that in 2002, the main pests such as wheat aphid, locust, Common armyworms, corn borers in Tongliao City and southern Chifeng City, local pests in some areas will be prevalent. Meadow Borer: Under normal climatic conditions, it is expected that the first generation larvae of Meadowslaneder will occur moderate to moderately in 2002, and that in some areas of the Bameng and Hohhot moderately occur. The area of ​​about 450 acres occurred. In addition, there are a large number of barren hills, barren slopes and pastures in Inner Mongolia where grass borers can safely wintering are inaccessible to agricultural technicians. There are also such areas in the surrounding areas, and the actual overwintering is not clear enough. At present, the law of migratory grass beetles is not completely understood . If foreign immigrants moved into a large amount, then the climate phase
目的探讨近5年剖宫产率及剖宫产指征变化,以寻求降低剖宫产率着手点,保障母婴健康。方法对6315例孕妇剖宫产率及指征进行分析(按妇幼年计算)。结果 5年6315例产妇剖宫产率为4
Objective To study the chemical constituents of Bombycis Feculae.Methods Chemical constituents were isolated by HPLC-ELSD.The structures of the isolated compoun
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