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何为传统?正是带着这样的疑问.我们问自己:我们还拥有多少传统?多少文化?如果说古人遗留给我们.曾经让我们引以为荣的“文明”.我们还能够点数一二。但假如让我们说出能够真正通过我们自身得以保存和发扬的.几乎一无所有。随着时间的推移.我们已经与传统文化走得越来越远。中国的传统文化领域是否已在现代社会和经济的冲击下.失去了生命力呢?显然,在当今时代.和文化传播挂钩最多的就是互联网。传统的文化和互联网相联系.优势有二.一个是传播范围和途径都有所扩大.另外一个是如果找到切入点。在信息的采集、制作过程中.就能产生许多附带价值。懂得利用的人.还会从中获得商机。然而.只要是文化.就会不可避免地带有地域性。做有关的信息服务.有时是和网站的所在地、信息提供者的所在地有很大关系的。是一个 What is traditional? With such questions, we ask ourselves: how many cultures do we still have, how many cultures? If the ancients left us with the “civilization” that has always inspired us, we can also count on points two. But let’s say we can really save and carry through ourselves. With the passage of time, we have gone further and further away from traditional culture. Has China’s traditional culture been under the impact of modern society and economy and has lost its vitality? Obviously, in today’s world, the most linked to cultural transmission is the Internet. The traditional culture is connected with the Internet, with two advantages: one is to expand the scope and channels of communication, and the other is to find a starting point. In the information collection, production process can produce many incidental value. Understand the use of people. Will also get business opportunities. However, as long as it is a culture, it will inevitably have a regional character. Do related information services. Sometimes and the site is located, the location of information providers have a lot to do. Is a
1 胰腺疾病CT检查和诊断胰腺是腹部“隐蔽”的器官,临床和普通放射检查都有困难和局限。CT的临床应用,为胰腺检查开辟了新局面。高分辨率CT可对胰腺及其周围形态直接观察发
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我院自1992年以来,诊治阴茎尖锐湿疣136例,现报道如下。 1 临床资料本组136例,年龄17~58岁,其中20~40岁117例,占86%。已婚131例,未婚5例,但均有不洁性生活史。发病者以个体户、
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