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据农业部统计,截至2009年4月15日,全国各省(区、市)已执行农机具购置补贴中央财政资金52.8亿元,占中央财政已拨付100亿元补贴资金的52.8%,补贴机具超过112万台(套),受益农户逾105万户。统计数据显示,4月各地购机补贴工作处在高潮。4月1—15日,仅半月就执行中央财政资金12亿元。其中北京、福建、河南的中央资金执行进度超过85%,天津、山东、新疆、宁波、青岛的执行进度超过75%,安徽、江西、山西实施进度过70%。从补贴机具类型看,玉米收获机、谷物收获机、大中型拖拉机需求旺盛,已分别补贴购置2.1万台、1.7万台和10.5万台,3类农机共使用补贴资金达33.2亿元,占已执行资金的62.9%,补贴促进了农机装备结构的优化。当前,全国农机购置补贴进入高峰期,各项工作进展顺利,签订协议、农民购机、机具核验和资金结算各项工作全面展开。安徽、山西、陕西、内蒙、湖北等省(区)派出购机补贴督导组,深入一线,宣讲购机补贴政策,为基层答疑解惑,督导县市购机补贴工作,确保政策落实到位。黑龙江、黑龙江农垦、安徽、重庆等地已开始结算工作,其中黑龙江、安徽分别结算资金2.4亿元、1.3亿元,占企业申请结算资金的59%和38%。 According to statistics from the Ministry of Agriculture, as of April 15, 2009, all provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country have implemented the purchase of subsidies for agricultural machinery with a total amount of 5.28 billion yuan of central government funds, accounting for 52.8% of the 10 billion yuan subsidy funds allocated by the central government, 112 million units (sets), benefiting more than 1.05 million households. Statistics show that in April around the purchase subsidies work at orgasm. April 1-15, only a half months to implement the central government funds 1.2 billion. Among them, the execution of central government funds in Beijing, Fujian and Henan exceeded 85%, with progress of more than 75% in Tianjin, Shandong, Xinjiang, Ningbo and Qingdao, and 70% in Anhui, Jiangxi and Shanxi. From the types of subsidized machinery, corn harvesters, grain harvesters, large and medium-sized tractors strong demand, subsidies have been purchased 21,000 units, 17,000 units and 105,000 units, 3 types of agricultural subsidies totaling 3.22 billion yuan, accounting for Implementation of 62.9% of funds, subsidies to promote the optimization of agricultural machinery and equipment structure. At present, the purchase of agricultural subsidies throughout the country has entered a peak period. All the work has progressed smoothly and agreements have been signed. Peasants purchase machines, check machine tools and settle funds in full swing. Anhui, Shanxi, Shaanxi, Inner Mongolia, Hubei and other provinces (autonomous regions) dispatch purchase subsidy supervision group, in-depth, preaching purchase subsidy policy for the grassroots Q & A, supervise the purchase of subsidies in cities and counties to ensure that the policy put in place. Heilongjiang, Heilongjiang Land Reclamation, Anhui, Chongqing and other places have started settlement work, of which the settlement capital of Heilongjiang and Anhui were 240 million yuan and 130 million yuan respectively, accounting for 59% and 38% of the enterprises’ application and settlement funds.
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