“技术创新”最近在各种媒体上频繁出现,其理论最早由美籍奥地利经济学家J.Schumpeter 提出,他给创新下的定义为,创新就是在经济活动中引入新的东西以实现生产要素新的组合,主要包括以下五个方面:1.引入一种新的产品或者赋予产品一种新的特性;2.引入一种新的生产方式,3.开辟一个新的市场;4.获得原材料或半成品新的供应来源;5.实现一种新的工业组织。随后,人们又把创新分为技术创新和制度创新两大类型。现在,企业技术创新已成为推动科学进步,经济发展的重要力量,如何振兴电子信息产品制造业,企业技术创新如何进一步适应市场竞争,是新组建的信息产业部的主要任务之一。
“Technology innovation” has recently appeared frequently in various media. The theory was first proposed by American-American Austrian economist J. Schumpeter. He defined innovation as that innovation is the introduction of new things in economic activities to achieve The new combination of production factors mainly includes the following five aspects: 1. Introducing a new product or giving the product a new feature; 2. Introducing a new production method, 3. Opening up a new market; 4. Obtain new sources of raw materials or semi-finished products; 5. Implement a new industrial organization. Subsequently, people divided innovation into two major types: technological innovation and institutional innovation. Now, technological innovation in enterprises has become an important force to promote scientific progress and economic development. How to revitalize the manufacturing of electronic information products and how technological innovation in enterprises further adapt to market competition is one of the major tasks of the newly formed Ministry of Information Industry.