
来源 :中国物资流通 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:mytony
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党的十一届三中全会以后,物资流通体制改革不断深化,生产资料由单一的计划分配型转变成计划分配与市场调节相结合的形式。物资企业由过去的“行政附属物”,逐步转变成了独立的经济实体,为搞活物资流通奠定了良好的基础。以城市为中心的生产资料市场体系正在逐步建立和发展。但是,我们也必须清醒地看到,在当前物资流通领域中还存在一些与经济建设不相适应的问题。流通环节的增多,层层盘剥,物价暴涨,秩序混乱,甚至有的不法分子生产、倒卖假劣商品严重扰乱了正常流通秩序,给工农业生产带来了一定的危害,已到了非整顿、治理不可的时候了。以党的十三届三中全会确定的治理经济环境、整顿经济秩 After the Third Plenary Session of the Eleventh Central Committee of the Party, the reform of the material circulation system continued to deepen, and the means of production changed from a single plan distribution type to a combination of planned distribution and market regulation. Material companies have gradually transformed from past “administrative appurtenances” into independent economic entities, laying a good foundation for invigorating the circulation of goods. The city-centric production information market system is gradually established and developed. However, we must also clearly see that there are still some problems in the current material circulation that are inconsistent with economic construction. The increase in circulation, the exploitation of various layers, the skyrocketing prices, the disorderly order, and even the production and reselling of counterfeit and inferior goods by some lawless elements seriously disturbed the normal circulation order, brought certain harm to industrial and agricultural production, and reached the point of non-reorganization and control. It’s time. The governance of the economic environment determined by the Third Plenary Session of the 13th CPC Central Committee and the reorganization of the economic rank
这篇文章说出了以拳头农产品为龙头组建跨省联合体的许多好处,可供经营农产品的企业参考。 This article describes the many benefits of the establishment of inter-prov
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