
来源 :现代口腔医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:olivia2
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目的扫描电镜观察极固宁脱敏剂对牙本质小管的封闭作用。方法将6颗牙冠完整的离体磨牙各制成1mm厚的牙本质盘,6%柠檬酸预处理盘表面2min,每盘按象限均分为4个样本,将2个盘8个样本配对均分入对照A组、实验B组,其余样本为实验C组。B、C组样本表面涂擦极固宁,C组16个样本再配对均分8个亚组进行无酸蚀、0.02%柠檬酸酸蚀10s、20s、30s处理,及无荡洗、荡洗15min、30min、60min处理。扫描电镜观测样本表面及纵断面;计算样本表面开放牙本质小管口相对面积RS。结果 A组样本牙本质小管口全部开放,RS值为(15.47±1.61)%;B组样本小管口被沉淀物填塞封闭,RS值(0.07±0.11)%;C组样本随酸蚀或荡洗处理时间的延长,小管口处堵塞沉积物受破坏,逐渐开放小管口,酸蚀至30s或荡洗至60min时,小管口全部开放;A、B两组样本RS的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);C组样本酸蚀或荡洗处理前后RS的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论极固宁可封闭牙本质小管,水冲洗和酸蚀逐渐破坏封闭层。 Objective To observe the blocking effect of the very Gu Ningning desensitizer on the dentinal tubules by scanning electron microscopy. Methods 6 teeth of intact molars were made into 1mm thick dentin disks. The surfaces of 6% citric acid pretreatment disks were kept for 2min. Each plate was divided into 4 samples according to the quadrants, and 8 disks of 2 disks were matched All were divided into control group A and group B, and the remaining samples were group C. B and C samples were rubbed with very Gu Ning, 16 samples in C group were equally paired with 8 sub-groups for acid-free etching, 0.02% citric acid etching for 10s, 20s and 30s, and no washing and washing 15min, 30min, 60min. Scanning electron microscopy was used to observe the surface and longitudinal section of the sample. The relative area RS of the small dentinal orifice was calculated on the surface of the sample. Results The small dentinal orifice of group A was completely open with the RS value of (15.47 ± 1.61)%. The small orifice of group B was closed by sediment packing, and the RS value was (0.07 ± 0.11)%. In group C, The prolongation of treatment time, the blockage of small tube orifice sediment damage, and gradually open a small orifice, acid etching to 30s or swing to 60min, the small orifice all open; A, B two samples of RS difference was statistically significant (P <0.05). There was a significant difference in RS between before and after acid etching or swabbing in group C (P <0.05). Conclusion Acupressure can close the dentinal tubules, water rinse and acid erosion gradually undermine the closure layer.
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香蕉的果实长在没有森质结构的类似树干的器官上,这种器官叫假茎,也叫做蕉身。假茎有厚实的基部,由鱼雷形状的长叶子组成。叶子都环生在假茎周围,当叶子生长 The fruit of a
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