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从血缘上讲,他是贺子珍、贺怡的哥哥,从姻亲上说,他是毛泽东、毛泽覃兄弟的大舅哥。贺敏学的一生,为这个大家庭付出了太多的心血。建国之初,为寻找毛泽东与贺子珍流落民间的骨肉小毛,贺怡不幸遭遇车祸身亡。贺敏学便担负起抚养两家子女的重担;毛泽东在对贺敏学高度肯定的同时,拜托其照顾贺子珍;出于对毛泽东的思念,贺子珍病情加重,贺敏学则在繁重的工作之余,对贺子珍细心照顾、开导;中组部的一纸结论和以“弄不清楚”为由的组织调查,让小毛和毛金花的认亲事件数经波折;作为硕果仅存的井冈山老人,文革后,兄妹同时复出,引起了世人的瞩目;贺子珍骨灰安放到八宝山一号室,总算让乃兄有了一丝安慰。贺敏学去世后,中共中央以“无产阶级革命家”为他盖棺定论,充分肯定了其革命而光荣的一生。 From a blood point of speaking, he is He Zizhen, He Yi’s brother, said from the marriage, he is Mao Zedong, Mao Zhan Tan brother uncle. He Min Xue’s life, for this family have paid too much effort. At the beginning of the founding of New China, He Yi was unfortunately killed in a car accident in search of the flesh and blood of Mao Zedong and He Zizhen. He Minxue took up the burden of raising two children; Mao Zedong He Minxue highly affirmed, please take care of He Zizhen out of Mao Zedong’s thoughts, He Zizhen exacerbations, He Minxue is in the heavy workload, take care of He Zizhen, Enlightenment; the Central Organization Department of a paper conclusion and to “do not know” as the basis of the organization investigation, so that small Mao and Mao Jinhua recognize the number of afflicted by twists and turns; as the only remaining Jinggangshan elderly after the Cultural Revolution, brother and sister comeback at the same time, causing the world Attention; He Zizhen ashes placed in Babaoshan Room No. 1, finally let Naxi brother had a trace of comfort. After the death of He Minxue, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, with “proletarian revolutionaries” as the finalists, defended his revolution and his glorious life.
本文对AutoCAD软件在隧道施工测量放线和尺寸控制中的应用进行了详细阐述,以期为公路隧道测量放线和尺寸控制提供参考。 In this paper, the application of AutoCAD softwa