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  Most people only know that, as a cradle of Sangha, Fo Guang Shan Tsunglin University has cultivated batches of Buddhism researchers in past 50 years and developed a school of its own in world Buddhism research. They hardly realize that, Tsunglin University is more than a palace of Buddhism and plays an important role in livelihood education and life education of social youths. The reporter makes an exclusive interview on Master Yongguang, President of FGS Tsunglin University and tries to uncover a deeper layer of Fo Guang Shan education system of “Engaged Buddhism”.
  UNITY: As a Buddhist college, how does Tsunglin University choose its education focus for cultivating the younger generation?
  Master Yongguang: Fo Guang Shan has always given priority to education. The first building here is the school, namely Tsunglin University. When students come, they need a hall for morning and evening classes. Hence the Great Mercy Temple is built later.
  Here are two main features of Tsunglin University: the first one is we admit social youths, which is the biggest difference from other Buddhist colleges. Generally speaking, Buddhist colleges are only for monks or nuns, that is to say graduates there must become monks or nuns. 30 year ago, when I was a teacher here, I doubted the admission of social youths. My opinion was simple that, if the graduates could not join our team of clergies in the future and leave us after three years of study, then our hard cultivation would be wasted. But Master Hsing Yun told me that, seeds don't have to blossom and yield fruit here but all around the world. If young people could get correct understanding of Buddhism after systematic and deep study in our university, then they would play a good guiding role when going back to the society.
  The second is Tsunglin University pays much attention to students’ livelihood education. Many youths are spoiled at home, and when they come here we ask them to start everything from scratch. These days a batch of new students just enrolled. Apparently they couldn't keep up with the pace of life and they try very hard to adapt to the new life. In fact, our purpose is very simple and we just want to let them learn from life. The university has kept advocating “focusing on behavior and understanding and cultivating one’s blessing and wisdom”. Some has read a lot of books and is wealthy in knowledge, but lags behind in actual life operation. He is used to interacting with books but has deficiency in interaction with people, especially in team spirit.   I often speak to them that, when I was in Fo Guang Shan during early days, we five people needed to cook for 300 people within an hour. We were young at that time and couldn’t understand it, and then we asked Master Hsing Yun why we didn’t use gas tanks but firewood to cook since gas tanks were sold outside. He told us that, he did have money to buy gas tanks, but his purpose was tempering us.
  The higher education background, the less time one would spend on life. Master Hsing Yun often says to us that, we should use the most original methods for cultivation and the most advanced methods for Buddhism promotion. You will see there are only a desk, a plank bed, a closet, a bookcase and an electric fan in our living place. Life is very easy here. It is actually a concept of life training and daily actions like going out, living, sitting and lying is a way of cultivation.
  We also foster team spirit and the notion of service and sacrifice. Students of Tsunglin University are very willing to support when there are big activities in Fo Guang Shan. They can pick up vegetables, clean and serve the dishes, and students are happy to take part in.
  When having the experience here, the youths would grow up in a very healthy way, no matter later they become monks or nuns or not. Another aspect is life education, which is to let them have deeper understanding about life. So life education and livelihood education are two important characters of our university.
  UNITY: What are the prospects of future development for graduates of Tsunglin University?
  Master Yongguang: This question should be answered from the perspective of students’ composition of our university. Our students come from 16 countries and we don’t only train students who speak Chinese that it is truly an international university. So we have a very broad vision and it is very important for the form of belief and the recognition and promotion of Buddhism. Master Hsing Yun builds a broad platform for students in this university. They would not become unemployed after graduation that they can join in TV stations, newspapers and galleries to use their skills, and also if they want to seek chances around the world, the university would provide opportunities for them. There are five students learning French in this semester and Master Hsing Yun wants to send them to France to further their studies and communicate. But since they are not monks or nuns and will not be monks or nuns in the future, others have put forward objections. But Master Hsing Yun is a real educator that he believes equal education of youths. He insists the idea and when the local temple is built, the students all offer to help. In Tsunglin University, Master Hsing Yun often gives students stages to broaden their horizons.   UNITY:丛林学院的学生将来毕业以后的发展方向是哪里呢?
  UNITY: It has been 50 years since the establishment of Tsunglin University. How does it develop from a cradle of Sangha at first place into an international university today?
  Master Yongguang: Tsunglin University starts from the time of Shoushan Temple. In 1965, “Shoushan Buddhist College” was built in Shoushan Temple, Fo Guang Shan and it was the starting point of Sangha education here. At that time, Master Hsing Yun reformed many shortcomings of Buddhist education like lack of education plans and teaching materials and narrow minds of students, in order to cultivate Buddhism specialists for education, culture and charity and realize the purposes of heart purification and social harmony. Buddhist education in Taiwan began to be completed since then.
  “Shoushan Buddhist College” changed into “Oriental Buddhist College” in 1967 and reformed Buddhist education system and established a system of three levels in 1989. Tsunglin University is equal to the college education. Though the system is very completed, the school operation is not smooth at first. We only recruit monks or nuns in early days for spreading knowledge to each temple, but for various reasons, students are not that much. Students enrollment becomes a large resistance, but we insist on down.
  50 years later, Tsunglin University shoulders the education inheritance of the whole Fo Guang Shan system, and 90% of students here graduate from Buddhist College. But their school durations are various. Since many monks or nuns have higher degree nowadays, they need to study for half to one year and if teachers think they can master knowledge at a fast speed and get deep understanding of the true meaning of life, then they could leave to service.
  We have 15 departments all over the world. Taking the department in India as an example, it is found by Master Huixian and exclusively recruits little monks of Shakya. Buddha belongs to Shakya. There are more than 30 little monks and Master Huixian has a famous saying, “I believe a father’s shoulder coming from shouldering responsibilities”. As he is only over 30, it is not easy for him to raise 30 monks. The department is affirmed by the government and after finishing school students need to take examinations.   1967年“寿山佛学院”更名为“东方佛教学院”,并于1989年进行佛教教育学制的改革,建立三级层次的佛教教育制度。丛林学院便相当于大学教育。虽然教育体制非常完善,但是一开始学校的运行并不顺利,由于最早学院招收的学生是出家众,出发点是给各个寺院的僧众传播知识,但是由于种种原因,送来受教的僧众并不是很多。招生难成为我们的一大阻力,但是我们坚持了下来。
  UNITY: How many departments like this in the world?
  Master Yongguang: We have this kind of departments in the USA and Japan. But in South Africa and the Philippines, because of the limits of sites, we could only recruit 40 students for those high school graduates from countryside who are good at learning but cannot afford future studies. When recruiting students this time, 17 principals brought 300 qualified ones to the interview.
  As we just mentioned, Tsunglin University is mainly focus on livelihood education and life education. After this, those who can go to university may continue their study and others could find jobs. If they want to stay in Buddhism they could stay. So masters in the international departments all transcend religions. They would not do not want to teach students in the Philippines since it is a Catholic country, as long as the students are willing to be educated. Most of the students are 18 or 19 years old who study very hard. The departments would subsidize them to go to college if they are capable and our fifth university will be built in the Philippines. There are five universities, three middle and primary schools, five kindergartens and 16 Buddhist colleges and they are all built by Master Hsing Yun, who thinks only education can bring progress for the country, the society and the people.
  UNITY: The school motto of Tsunglin University is “Compassion, Wisdom, Vows and Cultivation”. Can you give us a further explanation about it?   Master Yongguang: Master Hsing Yun pays much attention to youths and always gives them opportunities. He often encourages us that, the four Bodhisattvas, namely Ksitigarbha, Avalokitesvara, Manjusri and Samantabhadra, are all youths. Youths have power, which is called “youths’ strength and Bodhisattva’s heart”. Master Hsing Yun says to youths that, the four Bodhisattvas are our spiritual support. Avalokitesvara shows great compassion, Ksitigarbha shows great vows, Manjusri shows great cultivation and Samantabhadra shows great wisdom. So the palace for nuns is the Great Mercy Temple and that for monks is the Great Wisdom Temple and Master Hsing Yun wants us to learn from them.
  What the society needs most is compassion. Master Hsing Yun always reminds us that we should never give up anyone. He is definitely a great educator who teaches students in accordance of their aptitude. I once met a very talkative student, but as teachers, we prefer quiet and cautious ones. Master sent him to the Pilgrim Hall for monastery reception. Then he became very famous in this regard in Fo Guang Shan. It tells us that, we should not only see a person’s disadvantages, but dig the advantages to let everybody fully display his talents.
  Here is another example. Students may ask for leave sometimes. A student asked for three days, and normally we would allow him to rest for one day. But he insisted on three days while Master Hsing Yun actually allowed him to rest for a week. In fact, the student went back to school within two days. It tells us that do not easily refuse someone’s request but offer him “better” options. Teaching needs methods. When having class, some younger students may fall asleep and others would raise objections. And then Master would say as long as it doesn't affect others, he can sleep during class and when he wakes up he may hear a word or two and learn something as well.
  For those students who are naughty and sleeping in class, most of the teachers turn to punish them. But Master Hsing Yun tells us that, do not punish them by incensing or penalty kneeling. Because once we often use these physical punishments to deal with them, they would have fear and resistance towards them when they grow up. So we can change another way, like asking them to sleep in class. How could it be possible when having class? And they would become obedient later. Education needs methods and educator needs compassion. Never give up any students easily.   其实现在的社会最需要的就是慈悲心,大师常常提醒我们说,不舍弃每一个众生,星云大师确实是一个非常伟大的教育家,他用特别的教育方法教育每一个学生。我曾经遇到过一个非常喜欢说话的学生,作为一名老师,我们一向是比较喜欢乖巧慎言的学生。但是大师就将其派去朝山会馆,去做知客,后来呢,他果然就成了佛光山一流的知客。这件事也教育了我们所有的人,看一个人不要只看到他的缺点,要善于挖掘一个人的优点才能人尽其才。
  UNITY: What is the whole development trend of Tsunglin University?
  Master Yongguang: The largest number of people in our school reached more than 800. Firstly, I think the quality and degree of students here are improving as a whole. Former students came here at the age of 16 after graduation from high school, but now they are all elites. Here is a joke. Not long ago we carried out temple experiencing camp and short-term monks (nuns) activities to let them experience 7days’ monks’ (nuns’) life. One day, Master Hsing Yun asked me how many students we recruited, and my answer was about 100. I hoped he can make a speech for us, but he only makes speech when there are more than 1000 people. How did I persuade him? I just told him that the 100 people are all elites including doctoral students from National Taiwan University and Peking University, and Master went happily to make a speech for them.
  Secondly, in early days, it was hard for parents to accept their children becoming monks or nuns or studying Buddhism, because at that time Buddhism belonged to folk beliefs of the minority, especially for elder people. But a while back, 28 students applied for becoming monks (nuns), and there even was a female. Her mother was very happy for this and announced the news to relatives and friends. She even held banquet of four tables to celebrate her daughter marring Buddhism. Everyone is in a happy mood to look at learning Buddhism. I just want to say people have had correct attitude and understanding of Buddhism nowadays.   另一点是在早期的时候,如果我们和父母讲要出家、学佛,家长一般都很难接受,因为这在当时毕竟还属于少数人的民俗信仰,尤其以年龄较大的人为主。但是,前阵子居然有28位申请出家,甚至有一位女士,她母亲非常高兴地跟其亲朋好友宣布消息称,她女儿要出家了,嫁给佛门,还办了四桌宴席,大家都是以一种欢喜的心情来看待学佛这件事情。其实我想说的是,现在的时代已经对佛学有了一个很正确的态度和认识。
  UNITY: Should the students here be monks or nuns after graduation?
  Master Yongguang: In general, students need to study here for three years but they would not necessarily become monks or nuns in the future. In our perspective, we do hope the university can adhere to the Master's expectations to let youths study through Buddhist College and ascend their understanding of livelihood and life to a new stage. There are too many things for young people to choose today. If they could experience this kind of learning, actually it would be helpful for our country, Buddhism and the whole world, since at least, they would not make troubles. Now many people always focus on “themselves” and let their own ideas dominant. We hope that by Buddhist education, they can purify themselves and start to help people around. Take yesterday’s volunteer sodality as an example, the prize presentation lasted from 1:30 to 4:00 since there are too many award winners. They work as volunteers for 200 hours, 400 hours, 800 hours and 1000 hours a year and show the understanding of service and dedication.
隐匿阴茎是一种少见的先天性疾病,主要是内膜层发育不良形成纤维索带牵拉阴茎,阴茎发育包皮发育不全,皮肤缺损。临床上表现为阴茎体发育正常而显露不良。2006年6月至今收治患儿5例,患儿予以矫形术后效果良好,现将护理体会报告如下:    1临床资料    于2006年6月至11月,我科收治5例患儿,年龄5~18岁均有包茎过长,表现为阴茎体发育正常而显露不良。经采用矫形手术治疗,术后沿阴茎深、间隙,充分游
【摘要】我科2005年10月~2008年9月应用下肢皮肤牵引226例,本文简述了皮肤牵引的临床护理及健康教育。  【关键词】皮肤牵引;护理;健康教育    皮肤牵引是借助胶布贴于伤肢皮肤上,或用泡沫塑料包压于伤肢皮肤上,利用肌肉在骨骼上的附着点,牵引力传递到骨骼上。胶布远侧端扩张板,于扩张板中心钻孔穿绳打结,再通过牵引的滑轮装置,加上悬吊适当的重量进行持续皮肤牵引[1]。    1适应症    皮
食道平滑肌瘤是发生于食管肌层的食道良性肿瘤,其占食道良性肿瘤的3/4。其症状和体症主要取决于肿瘤的解剖部位和体积大小,较大的肿瘤可以不同程度的堵塞食管腔,而出现咽下困难,呕吐和消瘦等症状。无论那种食管良性肿瘤都需进行外科手术切除病变。我院于2004年12月7日就收治了一位食道平滑肌瘤的病人,经开胸手术及精心护理,患者痊愈出院,现将护理体会报告如下:    1临床资料    患者男,48岁,入院前2
【关键词】血液透析;失衡综合征;护理    血液透析失衡综合征是指在血液透析过程中或血液透析结束后数小时出现的以神经系统为主的临床症状,是血液透析的急性并发症,轻者表现为头痛,恶心、呕吐、疲乏,重者伴有抽搐、震颤、烦躁不安、甚至昏迷,严重者危及患者生命。    1临床资料     我科自2007年1月至10月共收治住院患者62例,慢性肾衰竭尿毒症患者行血液透析治疗,共计血液透析712次,其中发生2
【关键词】礼仪;护理服务;作用    随着医学模式与专业的不断发展,护理服务不再是传统的单纯的“以疾病为中心”,而是转向“以人为中心”的系统化的整体护理,这就要求护理人员更新观念、加强学习、提高整合素质,重塑护理工作者良好的职业形象,护理礼仪正是护士职业形象的高度体现,实践证明护理礼仪在护理活动中是具有特殊的作用。    1护理礼仪的内容    1.1护理礼仪的定义  护理礼仪属于职业礼仪范畴,它
【摘要】目的:通过对神经外科专科护士评判性思维能力的培养,提高神经外科专科护士的专业技能。方法:通过理论学习、案例分析讨论等在实践中注重培养护士的评判性思维能力。结果:护士的专业技能明显提高,变被动执行为主动积极参与,提高了护理质量。结论:培养神经外科专科护士的评判性思维能力,不仅能提高专科护理质量,促进专科护理的发展,而且有助于专科护士自身素质的提高。  【关键词】评判性思维;神经外科;专科护士
【摘要】目的:评价无痛人流术的价值。方法:通过对2580例无痛人流术情况进行评论。结果:所有无痛人流术都顺利进行,无并发症发生,患者容易接受。结论:无痛人流术容易操作,患者无痛苦,易接受,值得推广。  【关键词】人流综合征;无痛人流;护理    人流手术不但要忍受扩宫、刮宫的痛苦,手术的刺激可导致迷走神经兴奋,引起心动过缓、恶心、呕吐、胸闷、面色苍白、出冷汗等症状,重者还可引起晕厥和抽搐,即人流综