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为保证滤波器失谐情况下仍具有最佳的滤波效益,提出一种基于最佳偏调谐的滤波器优化设计方法。该方法选取各滤波支路补偿容量作为优化变量,考虑无功功率平衡、谐波电压、谐波电流限制等,以母线电压畸变率最小为目标函数,建立含最佳偏谐率变量的优化模型。通过迭代求解,可得到各滤波支路最佳补偿容量和最佳调谐频率,保证失谐情况下滤波器具有最佳滤波效果。对具体工程实例计算表明,与传统经验优化方法相比,该方法设计的滤波器在失谐情况下具有更佳的滤波效果。 In order to ensure the best filter efficiency under the condition of filter detuning, a filter optimal design method based on optimal bias tuning is proposed. In this method, the compensation capacity of each filter branch is taken as the optimization variable, and considering the reactive power balance, harmonic voltage and harmonic current limit, the optimization model with the best harmonic distortion variable is established with the minimum voltage distortion of the busbar as the objective function . By iterative solution, the optimal compensation capacity and optimal tuning frequency of each filter branch can be obtained, so that the filter with the best detuning effect can be filtered. The calculation of the concrete engineering example shows that compared with the traditional experience optimization method, the filter designed by this method has a better filtering effect in the detuning case.
The overtaking maneuver of two Esso Bicia 1.9×105 DWT tankers was investigated using the system-based maneuvering method. The Brix model was incorporated to ac
自体骨髓移植(ABMT)后合并霉菌感染是常见并发症之一,正确预防和治疗是ABMT成功的重要一环。本文总结了我院1990年4月至1992年3月12例ABMT后霉菌感染的情况,报告如下。 材料
(续上期)3环路类型和阶数前面已经谈到,锁相环使用类型(Ⅰ型,Type Ⅰ;或Ⅱ型,Typc Ⅱ)和阶数(一阶或二阶)来分类.大多数时钟恢复模型是基于SOTⅡ锁相环,或设计为接近二阶的锁
牦牛或奶牛酪蛋白CPPs粗制品,经阴离子交换精制后获得的高磷组分具有相似的高效分子排阻层析(HPSEC)谱图,均分离出3个峰,分子量依次在15 000~16 500u之间、4000~5000 u之间及2