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写作教学历来都是语文教学的重点也是难点。如何提高学生的写作能力是我们教师一直关注和探索的课题。多年来,关于提高学生写作能力的研究结果也多种多样,而共同结论是:写作能力的提高不是一蹴而就的,无论选择哪种写作方法都要立足教学文本鼓励学生感悟教材文本中的语言魅力,领悟文本内容和写作写法,让教材成为学生习作最为透明的范本,让教材的文字内化成学生的笔下自己的文字,重新灵动的组合构建出自己的文章框架。如何使学生立足教材文本提高写作能力本文将对此进行一点探索。 Writing teaching has always been the focus of language teaching is also difficult. How to improve students’ writing ability is a topic that our teachers always pay attention to and explore. Over the years, there are many findings about how to improve students’ writing ability. The common conclusion is that the improvement of writing ability is not achieved in a single step. Whichever method of writing should be based on the teaching text to encourage students to perceive the language charm in textbooks, Comprehend the text content and writing style, so that teaching materials become the most transparent template for students to practice, so that textbooks into the text of the students’ own writing, re-Smart combination to build their own article framework. How to make students based on textbooks to improve writing ability This article will explore this.
我是一个来自偏远农村的孩子,父亲在我4岁时不幸病重身亡。母亲常年在外,为了多挣点钱供我和哥哥读书,已经有5年没回家了。我和哥哥一直由爷爷抚养,爷爷将近70岁了,常年患病在身,满头的白发和额上一层层的皱纹,以及弯曲的背在诉说着爷爷历经的沧桑。  两年前,哥哥以优异的成绩考上了县里的高中,我也考上了县里的中学。拿到录取通知书的那天,我哭了,哭得歇斯底里。不为别的,当时自己清楚地知道,我不可能去县城读书
据俄新社2009年3月19日报道,一位海军高级军官周四表示,俄罗斯海军将在2009年进行至少3次新型“布拉瓦”海基弹道导弹的发射试验。 According to the Russian news agency r
AIM:To investigate the effect of Simotang(Decoction of Four Powered Drugs) on gastrointestinal motility,motilin and cholecystokinin expression in chronically st
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1 Ten Episodes in China’s Diplomacy《外交十记》Author:Qian Qichen Publisher:HarperCollins Qian Qichen played a direct role in some of the most dramatic moments
在模拟自然阅读模式下,研究了被试选择性注意结构不同字符时的事件相关脑电位,直接提取出了与选择注意相关的较早内源性成分;并确定了P300是代表大脑紧张后的松懈行为 Under simula