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关于节材降耗的含义,追根溯源它是来自节约材料这个基本概念。材料的节约可以分为有形节约和无形节约两个方面,所谓有形节约是指以实物形式直接表现出来的节约,也是人们可以直观地看到的;而无形节约则不直接以实物形式表现出来。根据人们对节约材料问题认识程度和认识阶段的不同,结合目前企业节材降耗工作中所表现出来的问题,我们可以将节材降耗区分为狭义的(即传统观念上的节材降耗)和广义的(即全面节材降耗)两个概念。所谓全面节材降耗,就是企业内部全过程、全方位、深层次的节材降耗。而要进一步弄清全面节材降耗的概念和内涵,还必须从节材降耗的途径和节材降耗工作的组织这两个方面进行具体分析。 (一)、全面节材降耗的途径。在节材降耗的途径上,传统观念上的节材降耗所体现出来的一般只是有形节约,也就是从材料的投入到成品产出过程即整个材料使用过程中的节约,它的途径按其所采取的措施不同可分为两个方面:一是通过提高加工水平,减少各种非工艺损耗;二是通过加强管理,减少各种人为浪 With regard to the meaning of reducing materials consumption, it is traced back to the basic concept of saving materials. The material savings can be divided into two aspects: tangible savings and intangible savings. The so-called tangible savings refer to the savings directly expressed in the form of physical objects that people can see intuitively; and the intangible savings are not directly expressed in the form of physical objects. Based on people’s understanding of the issues of conservation materials and their different stages of understanding, combined with the problems presented in the current work of reducing the consumption of materials for enterprises, we can distinguish the reduction of material consumption into narrow sense (ie, the traditional concept of saving materials and materials ) And broad (ie, full-scale material consumption reduction) two concepts. The so-called full-scale material reduction is the entire process, all-round, and in-depth material and material consumption reduction within the company. In order to further understand the concept and connotation of comprehensive material-saving and consumption-reduction, it is also necessary to conduct specific analysis from the following two aspects: the way to reduce the consumption of materials, and the organization of the material-saving and consumption reduction work. (1) Ways to reduce the consumption of materials in a comprehensive way. In the way of saving materials and materials, the traditional concepts of saving materials and reducing consumption generally reflect tangible savings, that is, the savings from the input of materials to the output of finished products, that is, the use of the entire material. Different measures can be divided into two aspects: First, by improving the level of processing, reducing the loss of various non-process; Second, through the strengthening of management, to reduce all kinds of artificial waves
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