中国电影总公司筹建工作组成立 石方禹为组长 胡其明为副组长

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全国电影事业的体制改革,在陈荒煤同志的主持下,经过一年左右的调查研究,大家认识到当前电影事业突出的问题是:现行的电影体制以党代政,政企不分,条块分割,影片的质量和数量还不能很好地适应社会主义精神文明建设和人民群众的需要,“左”的影响严重地禁锢人们头脑;各种专业人员年龄老化,知识老化,青黄不接;企业没有自主权,经营管理落后,平均主义和吃大锅饭的现象十分严重,使企业缺乏活力。因此,改革现行体制是当前亟待解决的一个大问题。电影体改小组经过大量调查研究之后,起草了《关于成立中国电影总公司的请示报告》,经文化部讨论后上报中宣部。中宣部在邓力群同志主持下,于5月4日、11日两次召集文化部及电影局有关领导参加的会议,讨论了这个报告。会上由胡其明同志对成立总公司的目的、任务、步骤和上下左右的关系等方面作了汇报。经过两次热烈讨 Under the auspices of Comrade Chen Limei, after a year or so of investigation and study, everyone realized that the outstanding problems of the current movie industry are: the current film system is based on the party’s reign, regardless of the level of government and enterprises, , The quality and quantity of the films can not yet meet the needs of the socialist spiritual civilization and the people well, and the influence of the “Left” has severely impaired people’s minds; the aging of professionals and the deterioration of knowledge have never been achieved; the enterprises have no autonomy , The backward operation and management, egalitarianism and eating big pots are so serious that the enterprises lack vitality. Therefore, reforming the current system is a major issue to be solved urgently. After a large number of investigations and studies, the Film Reform Team drafted a “Request for Instructions on the Establishment of a Chinese Film Corporation” and submitted it to the Central Propaganda Department for discussion after discussion by the Ministry of Culture. Under the leadership of Comrade Deng Liqun, the Central Propaganda Department twice convened a meeting of relevant leaders of the Ministry of Culture and the Film Bureau on May 4 and 11 to discuss the report. At the meeting, Comrade Hu Qijin made a report on the purpose, tasks, steps, and the relationship between the upper and lower sides of the establishment of the head office. After two warm discussions
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