
来源 :上海海洋大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:icewangb
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根据2012年8月-2013年7月为期一年、每月一次的对三沙湾盐田港海水养殖海域水环境质量的监测结果,分析了该海域基本理化指标以及营养盐的特征与变化趋势,并应用有机污染评价指数(A)、营养状态指数(E)和海水营养状态质量指数(NQI)法评价了该海水养殖海域的水环境质量状况。结果表明,盐田港海域悬浮物含量符合Ⅲ类海水水质标准,pH符合Ⅲ至Ⅳ类海水水质标准。溶解无机氮(DIN)和溶解无机磷(DIP)符合Ⅳ类至劣Ⅳ类的海水水质标准,年平均值分别为0.644和0.061 mg/L,范围分别在0.256~1.147和0.027~0.103 mg/L之间。NO3-N占DIN的比例平均为82.86%。盐田港海水养殖海域的DIN和DIP的浓度已处于较高的水平。有机污染评价指数和海水营养状态指数的评价显示,盐田港海水养殖海域已经处于严重的富营养化状态,同时有机污染相当严重。分析表明盐田港海水养殖的自身污染是导致该养殖海域富营养化与有机污染严重的重要原因之一。 According to the monitoring results of the water environment quality in the mariculture area of ​​Yantian Port in Sansha Bay from January 2012 to July 2013, which is a one-year, monthly survey, the basic physical and chemical indexes and the characteristics and trends of nutrients in the area are analyzed. The water environmental quality of the mariculture sea area was evaluated by using organic pollution evaluation index (A), nutrition status index (E) and seawater nutrient status quality index (NQI). The results showed that the content of suspended solids in Yantian Port Sea Area met the Grade III seawater quality standard and the pH met the Grade III to IV seawater quality standard. The dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) and dissolved inorganic phosphorus (DIP) meet the standard of Grade IV to Grade IV seawater quality with the average annual values ​​of 0.644 and 0.061 mg / L, respectively, ranging from 0.256 to 1.147 and 0.027 to 0.103 mg / L between. The proportion of NO3-N to DIN averaged 82.86%. The concentration of DIN and DIP in the mariculture area of ​​Yantian Port is at a high level. The evaluation of organic pollution assessment index and seawater nutrient status index shows that the mariculture sea of ​​Yantian Port is already in a severe eutrophication state and the organic pollution is quite serious. The analysis shows that the self-pollution of mariculture in Yantian Port is one of the important reasons leading to the serious eutrophication and organic pollution in this area.
设复数zA,zB 在复平面上分别对应于点A ,B ,则①zA,zB 的和所对应的向量适合向量加法的平行四边形法则或三角形法则 ;② |zA-zB|表示点A ,B间的距离 ;③zA,zB 的积或商所对应的向量适合向量乘、除
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