An Analysis of Implying Instructions in Pleasure in Doctor Faustus

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  In art of poems,Horace thoroughly realized the function of literature and art,he claims that the function of literature and art should be instructive and amusing at the same time. Both of them should be demonstrated by a piece of literature work simultaneously. So he put forward a famous theory about literature that is implying instruction in pleasure,which deeply influenced the production of literature work a lot. To some degrees,this well-know theory provides moral standards for the creation of literature work for the function of instruction. He advocates the combination of instruction and entertainment. He added that the success of a poem is to write out something that can entertain people as well as teach them how to behave,which is also the desire of readers. If literature work is just used for amusing,sometimes,there would be a waste of time for some audience.
  Here,I would like to analyze Doctor Faustus as an example of showing instruction and pleasure together. In this drama,Faustus is the protagonist who Faustus,a doctor,is a knowledgeable person but not satisfied with his current status in his life. So he even desires to challenge God and wants to possess the ability to perform magician,which can help him do anything he wants. However,in the end,Faustus paid a high price for his desires and behaviors without gaining nothing. In fact,the author wanted to tell something that we can learn from this drama to the audience.After analyzing the text of Doctor Faustus,we got to know that in act I,scene II and scene IV and the whole act III,act IV are all written in the effect of comic scene. Sometimes,in these parts,the development of the plot is in the way of playing jokes.
  In act VI,scene II,after Faustus made a deal with the bad angel,he sold his soul for getting more power,he shows his magician to the German Emperor and the nobleman Benvolio,who didn’t believe magic performance of Faustus. So Faustus made a bet with Benvolio and said if Benvolio failed,he would turn him into a male deer with horn on the head. As a result,Benvolio failed and Faustus asked Mephistophilis to grow horns on the head of Benvolio,which insulted him very much. From this act,all the audience may be deeply attracted by the comedy effect of this story. And we can imagine all the readers or the audience here will burst into laughter. This is the effect of amusing. The author choose to push the movement of the plot by showing this joke. However,at the time of entertainment,we also may think that there must be something we need to pay attention to and something that the author wanted to show us in the first intention. Indeed,at the beginning,we got to know why Doctor Faustus want to possess the ability of a magician. Even though he was profound and knowledgeable already,he is still not satisfied with himself. He wanted to do something bigger for people.   Another obvious example in this drama is in scene VII of act IV. In order to please the duke and the duchess,he used his power all the time. Because of a dead time of the winter,there is no grapes here,so the duchess asked Faustus to bring some ripe grapes for her. As for Faustus,due to his magician,this is but a small matter. So he asked Mephistophilis to get some for the duchess’s content. The audience and readers may attracted by the power of Faustus and sometimes may also imagine that if I can have the power,what would my life be. Many people also may think this is very interesting. In fact,there is also something else that the author wanted to talk about apart from providing us entertainments. At the time of relaxing and entertainment,we still can know that there are some implication for this amusing scene. There is also a obvious contrast between the things that Faustus did and the great power.
  The third example in this drama is in scene V of act IV,which have the same effect of entertainment and instruction. He sold a horse to a horse- courser as if he was helping the horse-courser. And he told him that he shouldn’t ride the horse into the water. Doctor Faustus thought that he helped the horse-courser by selling him the horse in that price. He thought he was doing something kind for others. However,his reminder caused the curiosity of the horse-courser and he wanted to figure our what was the hidden mystery in the horse. Out of expectation,his horse turned into a little straw immediately. The horse-courser though Doctor Faustus was a cheater who have deceived him. So he said that he would pull off Faustus’s leg. This scene is so funny that all of us would be amused. We would feel that both of them are so funny and the things happen to them are also amusing. According to the author,if we think deeply,we can know that there was big difference between what Faustus though and did and the things that people who really need. He thought if he had magician,he would do something big for people. However,from this part we seemed to know what he provided maybe not the things that people need.
  In the whole,this drama presented us several funny stories of Doctor Faustus after he possessed the power of magician. The way that the author presented and the things Doctor Faustus did entertained us a lot and at the same time,it was also instructive to us. According to Horace,it is important for a piece of literature work to achieve both instruction and pleasure,which had significance on the developing of the following literature work. The audience and readers will also benefit a lot from this kind of literature work. They can relax themselves and get entertainment at the same time of being instructed. It is a much easier way for them to accept the instruction and also can attract them to follow the drama or text. The content of this text is a little funny,but at the end of the text or the story,there must be something instructive for readers and audience.
  Work cited
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