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  【摘要】本研究从奈达功能对等的角度入手探讨体育品牌商标的翻译,讨论在其指导下如何运用翻译方法使译文与原文达到对等性。 现今,中国与世界各国的贸易交往日趋频繁。为了帮助体育产品在国内外市场上迅速被接受,首要的工作之一就是打造知名品牌。一个完美的体育品牌及其译名能为产品创造极大的利润,像“Nike”耐克这样的商标译名已被公认为体育品牌翻译的典范。因此,商标的翻译显得越来越重要。美国翻译理论家奈达的功能对等理论自问世以来,在國内外翻译界都产生了深远的影响。
  【作者简介】褚骞(1992-),男,俄罗斯族,山东龙口人,硕士在读,西南民族大学, 研究方向:英语翻译口译。
  With the rapid development of international trade and economic globalization, brand name translation has become an essential market strategy to most business. The great success of London Olympic Games and people’s love in sports make the sport industry has a promising future. In order to promote the sales of products to foreign markets, brand name translation is gaining greater and greater importance.This paper, by giving a detailed account of translating sport brand names between Chinese and English, attempts to study the practice and theory of translating sport brand names from a cultural, psychological and marketing point of view, under the guidance of functional equivalence theory.
  In this thesis, the writer hopes to increase translator’s understanding of the brand name translation and to discuss on a theoretical base that can help them make decisions when translating brand name into another culture.
  The significance of the study mainly lies in several aspects. Firstly, the writer advocates that the theory should combine with practice and guide practice instead of talking about the theory only. Secondly, the writer introduces Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory and analyzes the methods of applying this theory to brand name translation by examples.
  1. Literature Review
  Brand name translation plays a vital role in establishing the international brand image of a company. In recent years, brand name translation has received wide attention. By reading the related documents available and surfing the websites of international advertising companies, name companies, etc, the author finds that from the 1990s, many scholars both at home and abroad have devoted themselves to brand name translation under the guidance of different theories. The following are some examples:
  While, Li Zhiyuan explored the approaches for brand name translation through analyzing the brand name formations and its characteristics, he concluded that when brand names can find the equivalent word in target language, communication can bring the vocative effect to the brand name translation.
  2. Functional Equivalence Theory   Eugene A. Nida is a distinguished American translation theorist as well as linguist. His translation theory has exerted a tremendous influence on translation studies in western countries. It shows that he has made great contributions to the field of translation studies. His influences go beyond the translation of the Bible and the borders of the nations. His theory has guided translation practice of various kinds, not only the U. S, but also in many other parts of the world. He himself has also become one of the most frequently quoted authors in the field of translation.
  3. A Brief Introduction of Brand Names
  Since “Brand name translation is in connection with both the source culture and the target culture” (O’Guinn, Allen and Semenik 22), to get the target brand name coherent not only with the source culture but also with the target culture, the translator should know something about the features of the brand names. Almost all the successful brand names have the following features, which should be taken into consideration in translation.
  a. Brevity
  “When choosing a brand name for its products, a company wants a name that will be easily remembered, recognized by the customer”, and “short brand names have been found to have greater impact in customers than long ones” (Mason, etal. 163). Brevity means that the brand name should be kept short and sweet in the process of naming and translating.It should be also kept in brand name translating. In order to achieve brevity, certain syllables of less importance have to be omitted in translating longer brand names.
  b. Novelty
  A brand name should be as novel and unconventional as possible in wording, pronunciation, meaning and other aspects, so as to arouse the interest of the customers and leave a deep impression on them. The brand designers try every means to make the brand name unique by employing figures of speech, adding humorous element, or coining new words. The novelty of the brand name should help to strengthen the merits of the product, and thus help the readers to understand the nature of the product, and thus help the readers to understand the nature of the product.
  c. Readability
  Readability indicates that a brand name should be easy to read and not likely be mispronounced or misunderstood. A brand name is, after all, for the eyes of the broad masses of consumers. If uncommon characters are used, undereducated consumers will fail to recognize them or will mispronounce them, which will inevitably impair the effectiveness of the brand name in use.   4. Functional Equivalence in the Translation of Sport Brand Names
  4.1 The Factors to be considered in the Translation of Sport Brand Names
  Global sport branding is complicated by the diversity of languages, nationalism, product attributes, and culture. Developing a world brand is not an easy translation exercise, as meanings vary greatly across norms, attitudes, beliefs and cultures, so all factors should be taken into consideration to get a good translation from English to Chinese, and vice versa.
  4.2 Cultural Factors of the Target Consumers
  Culture is an extremely complex concept and an enormous subject. It embraces almost everything in the world, material and spiritual. It includes: all the products of manufacture, various systems and the theories that support them, such as social systems, religious systems, ritual systems, educational systems, kinship systems and language, people’s mentality and behaviors, their thought patterns, beliefs, conceptions of value, aesthetic tastes, etc.
  Translating means “to express in another language or in simpler words”. (Oxford Dictionary, 1997) In fact, the translation of one language into another is far more complex than this definition.
  (1) Catering; to Target Consumers’ Appetite
  The world well-known sport brand Nike is an good example. The word “nike” means victory and propitious in its English origin, and is translated into“耐克”in Chinese. The brand name are loved by Chinese people, the word “耐”reflects the products are durable and “克” means defeat the enemy and win victory. In this way, the target receptors feel the same way toward the name with the original readers, and the selling is good, so it is a successful translation.
  (2) Avoiding Target Consumers’ Taboos
  In Chinese tradition, many brand names are named after fowls and animals. But different nations hold completely different feelings of likes and dislikes toward the same fowls and animals. For example, in Chinese culture,“喜鵲”is the “reporter of spring”, the “messenger of good luck”; while in English cultures, magpie reminds people of nagging and tortuous, if it is a word for word translation in the brand names, the meaning of brand names is lost. (Guo Shangxing, 1995:30)
  The above instances show that the relationship between culture and communication is complex, and good translation of brand names should always take culture factors into cautious consideration. Culture influences communication, and vice versa.   4.3 Translation Strategy of Sport Brand Names
  4.3.1 Transliteration
  Transliteration method is an ideal method in the translation of sporting brand names because it not only reproduces the beauty of pronunciation of the original name in form, but also reflects the characteristics of the product in its content. Transliteration means to select the propitious words which are homophones so that it makes the translation approach to the original name in pronunciation but also has of commendatory in the meaning which can satisfy consumers’ psychology. Therefore, more and more translators adopt transliteration method in the translation of cosmetic brand names. Let’s look at an example: the translation of “Nike” is a successful case. It is translated into “耐克”. From the perspective of transliteration, “耐克”is close to the pronunciation of the original name. The two words are loved by Chinese people, the word “耐”reflects the products are durable and “克” means defeat the enemy and win victory. “Adidas, Kappa, Giant, Anta, Li Ning” are translated into “阿迪達斯、卡帕、捷安特、安踏和李宁”. Others like “Peak, Columbia, Star, Wilson, Head, Avia and Voit are translated into “匹克、哥伦比亚、世达、海德、爱维亚和沃特”. “八哥” is a Chinese sport brand, its English translation is “Bage” which means brave age. These translations not only successfully conveys the beauty of pronunciation of the original name, but also vividly and lively transfers the sports features of the brand and arouses forceful imaginations so that it can stimulate purchasing desires of consumers and achieve the translation purpose.
  4.3.2 Literal Translation
  Literal translation means to translate according to its literal meaning. It maintains the referential meaning of the words and makes the content matches up the form under the condition of not violating the culture traditions. The number of adopting literal translation to translate the sporting brand names is rare. Only when the original name is special, meaningful and is welcomed by consumers, literal translation is employed. For example, “Jordan” is translated into “乔丹”by using literal translation, since Michal Jordan is a famous basketball player in the world. “Double Star” is translated into “双星”literally. The same goes to “Double fish双鱼” “Double Happiness 红双喜” “Victor 胜利” “Butterfly 蝴蝶” “Train火车头” “Prince 王子” and “Savage 野人”. Thus, the skillful use of literal translation can bring better imaginations and perfect feelings.
  4.3.3The Combination of Transliteration and Literal Translation   Since many transliteration or liberal translation cannot do the job alone, we can use the combination of transliteration and liberal translation to translate sporting brand names. A good translation of a brand name should not only be similar to the original sound but also reflect the connotation of the original. The combination of transliteration and liberal translation may achieve dual purpose, as the message of the brand name will be more vividly reflected so that it will be more impressive to guide consumption. And by using this method, it can achieve a closer effect to Nida’s functional equivalence since a maximal, ideal definition could be stated as “The readers of a translated text should be able to understand and appreciate it in essentially the same manner as the original readers did. Many cases choose this method. Such as “Reebok”, which translated into “銳步”; “Puma” is called by “彪马”; “Lotto”, its Chinese version is “乐图”; “Decathlon” is translated into “迪卡侬”. Others like “Deerway”, “Warrior”, ‘Teloon”, “Mizuno”, “Toread” are named by “德尔惠”, “回力”, “天龙”, “美津浓”, “探路者”. In same circumstances, the method of the combination of transliteration and liberal translation can be adopted to achieve the best effect in the sporting brand name translation.
  5. Conclusion
  A tentative study has been made in this thesis on the topic of sport band names translation, which is a relatively new genre in the field of translation. Actually it is a science as well as an art. It is a comprehensive process, which covers cultures, consumer’s psychology, commercials and translation studies. Sport brand name translation has its own unique function and purpose, which is to attract attention, arouse interest, stimulate desire and get action.
  Undoubtedly, the application of functional equivalence theory to sport brand name translation can help to choose proper strategies on different occasions. Based on functional equivalence theory, the commonly use translation strategies for sport brand name translation can be listed as follows: literal translation, transliteration and the combination of transliteration. In sport brand name translation, the translator should cautiously and flexibly adopt these translation strategies according to different situation. Because none of these methods almighty in all situations.
  In a word, sport brand name translation is a complicated work which involves linguistics, translation theory, marketing, psychology and culture, etc. As economic globalization keeps on developing, further and detailed studies on sport brand name translation form the perspective of the Nida’s Functional Equivalence Theory need to be carried on to meet the new challenges in this field.   參考文献:
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【摘要】针对目前英语课堂存在的问题,笔者进行了有效教学的探索,从教师的角度去揣摩教学以及学生的情况,认为英语教师应积极建设和谐、愉快的课堂,充分激发学生主体性,优化教学内容和教学手段。故而,笔者提出了一些解决方案,以期能有效地把握、解决学生的问题,提示课堂质量,建设有效英语课堂。  【关键词】英语课程;有效课堂;教学改革  针对目前英语课堂存在的问题,笔者进行了有效教学的探索,从教师的角度去揣摩教
【摘要】口语训练是英语教学的重要内容,但对于农村初中学生而言,口语训练多限于课堂,口语教学并未给予足够重视,以致于学生英语口语能力堪忧。本文探析了农村初中英语口语教学的主要问题及成因,立足口语教学实际提出几点针对性建议。  【关键词】农村初中;口语教学;改进建议  在农村初中,英语口语教学往往处于弱势地位,学生口语训练少,教师口语教学不重视,“哑巴英语”问题突出。口语训练与教学,应该从教学方法上增
【摘要】在新课改逐渐深入的背景下,我国加大了高校英语听力教学的关注力度,因此很多以往的教学方法都被更新,情景模式就是新方法中的一种,发挥着至关重要的作用。本文将对情景模拟在高校英语听力教学中的应用进行分析。  【关键词】情景模式;高校;英语听力;教学  【作者简介】陈恒,衡水学院。  就高校而言,主要的任务就是培养学生的综合能力,在英语课程听力教学的过程中,教学重点自然是提升学生应用语言的能力,英
《普通高中英语课程标准(2017版)》基本理念中第5点的内容为:重视现代信息技术应用,丰富英语课程学习资源。强调促进信息技术与课程教学的深度融合,助力学生的有效学习和英语学科核心素养的形成与发展。闽教基〔2017〕35号《福建省达标高中评估办法(修订)》 一级对于教师素质明确要求:较好掌握信息技术与教育教学深度融合的技能方法,中青年教师能科学、灵活运用现代信息信息技术。  由此可见,不管是国家层面
【摘要】在线开放课程改变了传统的高职英语教学模式,从而对高职英语教师的专业发展提出了新的需求。本文在分析线开放课程视域下英语教学新变化的基础上,探讨了高职英语教师专业发展所面临的新需求。  【关键词】在线开放课程;高职英语教师;专业发展;新需求  【作者简介】张秀芹(1977-),女,山东诸城人,南京工业职业技术学院副教授,硕士,研究方向:二语习得,英语教育。  【基金项目】本文为2017年度江苏
【摘要】构建智慧课堂要以教师为基础,用语言艺术来感染学生,引导学生主动参与学习,全面开发学生的智慧。本文对于如何构建初中英语智慧课堂进行了探究分析。  【关键词】智慧课堂;初中英语;构建策略  课堂的教学工作不仅仅是老师简单传授知识的过程,它是老师和学生在交流互动的过程中共同成长的人生旅途,是不能重复的成长过程。智慧课堂就是要求老师从知识的传授者转变成学生智慧的引导者。对于初中英语教学来说,智慧课
【摘要】学生视角下分析高效英语课堂教学中所存在的学生问题,主要表现在学生学习目标不明确,课堂参与程度不足,以及教学主体错乱等方面。本文以此为出发点,重点探讨高校英语教学中解决学生问题的有效措施,并针对当前所存在问题整理出应对方案,为学生更良好的学习环境。  【关键词】学生视角;高校英语;学生问题  【作者简介】许杨阳(1984.06-),女,侗族,贵州锦屏人,凯里学院,副教授,硕士研究生,研究方向
【摘要】现代技术背景下,外语教学的创新研究愈发凸显其重要性,整合与设计是二者结合的核心。现代技术与教学实践之间的关系是相互关联、不可分离的。教师需要具备“整合技术的教学知识”,提高教学效果。信息技术的每一个功能或优势都能给外语教学带来新的可能。  【关键词】现代技术;外语教学  【作者简介】许辉(1980-),女,武汉设计工程学院,副教授,硕士,主要从事英语语言学、语言教育研究。  随着信息技术时