Adjuvant heparanase inhibitor PI-88 therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma recurrence

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hujunmin18
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AIM: To demonstrate that administering heparanase inhibitor PI-88 at 160 mg/d is safe and promising in reducing hepatocellular carcinoma(HCC) recurrence for up to 3 year following curative resection. METHODS: A total of 143 patients(83.1% of the 172 participants in the phase Ⅱ study) participated in the follow-up study. Of these patients, 50 had received no treatment, 48 had received 160 mg/d PI-88, and 45 had received 250 mg/d PI-88 during the phase Ⅱ trial. Safety parameters and the following efficacy endpoints were investigated:(1) time to recurrence;(2) diseasefree survival; and(3) overall survival. RESULTS: PI-88 at 160 mg/d delayed the onset and frequency of HCC recurrence, and provided a clinically significant survival advantage for up to 3 years after treatment compared with those of the control group:(1) the recurrence-free rate increased from 50% to 63%, and(2) time to recurrence at the 36 th percentile was postponed by 78%. The efficacy of administering PI-88 at 250 mg/d was confounded by a high dropout rate(11 out of 54 patients). Additionally, subgroup analyses of patients with(1) multiple tumors or a single tumor ≥ 2 cm; and(2) hepatitis B or C revealed that administering PI-88 at 160 mg/d conferred the most significant survival advantage(56.8% improvement in disease-free survival, P = 0.045) for patients with both risk factors for recurrence. CONCLUSION: Administering PI-88 at 160 mg/d is a safe and well-tolerated dosage that may confer significant clinical benefits for patients with HCC. AIM: To demonstrate that containing heparanase inhibitor PI-88 at 160 mg / d is safe and promising in reducing hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) recurrence for up to 3 years following curative resection. METHODS: A total of 143 patients (83.1% of the 172 Participants in the phase II study) participated in the follow-up study. Of these patients, 50 had received no treatment, 48 had received 160 mg / d PI-88, and 45 had received 250 mg / d PI- 88 during the phase RESULTS: Safety parameters and the following efficacy endpoints were investigated: (1) time to recurrence; (2) diseasefree survival; and (3) overall survival. RESULTS: PI-88 at 160 mg / d delayed the onset and frequency of HCC recurrence, and provided a clinically significant survival advantage for up to 3 years after treatment compared with those of the control group: (1) the recurrence-free rate increased from 50% to 63%, and (2) time to recurrence at the 36 th percentile was postponed by 78%. The efficacy of the agent PI-88 at 250 mg / d (1) multiple tumors or a single tumor ≥ 2 cm; and (2) hepatitis B or C revealed that the presence of PI-88 at CONCLUSION: Administering PI-88 at 160 mg / d is a safe and well-tolerated treatment with 160 mg / d conferred the most significant survival advantage (56.8% improvement in disease-free survival, P = 0.045) tolerated dosage that may confer significant clinical benefits for patients with HCC.
摘要:我国的教育方针把学生的德育教育始终放在第一位,它表明了学生素质中思想素质是一个重要的前提。语文可以传承文化,传达社会价值观,具有丰富的人文内涵。语文学科教学与思想品德教育正如教书育人一样,是一个和谐的统一体,两者密不可分,相辅相成,相互促进。语文课程在对学生渗透德育教育中具有得天独厚的优势,因此,德育应该是语文教学的重要内容。  关键词:小学语文教学;渗入;德育教育  我国的教育方针始终把德
摘要:在小学语文教学中,阅读与写作是其主要的教学内容,两者存在着相互促进、相互依存的关系,若单独对两者进行教学无法取得良好的教学效果,学生的阅读能力与写作水平也无法得到显著的提升,影响学生未来的语文学习能力,也不利于提高学生的语文素养。只有将“读”与“写”双剑合璧,才能提高学生的语文综合能力,使其在语文学习中获得快乐的体验。  关键词:阅读;写作;语文课堂;语文素养  一、 前言  在小学语文教学
摘要:作文是小学语文教学中非常重要的组成部分,不仅能够有效提高小学生对语文词汇和语句的理解及运用能力,还能培养学生的语言表达能力。因此,教师要高度重视语文作文教学,加强学生课外阅读能够提升学生的写作水平,要丰富学生的写作素材,让学生充分感受到语文课程学习带来的快乐与兴趣。本文是本人多年来的教学经验积累,探讨了课外阅读在小学语文教学中的重要性,并提出了具体的教学实施对策仅供参考。  关键词:小学语文
摘要:合作学习是一种旨在培养学生合作学习能力的学习方式。在小学语文教学中,充分地发挥学生合作学习方式的教育教学特点,对于小学生的语文学习来说至关重要。应当从小学语文教学的教育教学规律特点出发探究学生小学语文合作学习方式的应用特点,从而为小学语文教学的合作学习奠定基础。  关键词:小学语文教学;合作学习;重要性  一、 前言  从教育教学的规律上来说,小学语文教学中的合作学习是建立在对教育教学规律的
摘要:教师个人的发展不仅影响着教学质量的优劣,也影响着教育的变革和创新。近年来,随着全球一体化的推进,英语专业人才的培养尤为重要,因此高校英语专业教师的发展越来越引起人们的重视。加强英语专业教师发展,对于提高教学质量,促使英语教学改革顺利进行,培养高素质的英语专业人才具有重要意义。  关键词:高校英语教师;专业发展;策略探究  近年来,随着高等教育招生规模的扩大,高校学生与日俱增,这不仅给高等教育
摘要:信息技术在教育教学中的应用越来越普遍,将信息技术进一步应用于高职英语课程教学是符合高职英语目标和高职英语学习者学习现状的有效途径,它将大大改善学习者的学习体验。  关键词:高职英语;信息技术;课程改革  近年来,随着互联网技术的普及,现代教育教学中对于信息技术手段的利用也越来越频繁和多样化了。无论什么教育阶段,从事一线教学的教师们都普遍认同:信息化、数字化的教学方式,大大提高了教学效率,是适