以法治教 分类指导 提高质量 我省各级领导重视加强基础教育

来源 :安徽教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:highlove
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我省采取积极稳步的方针,发展基础教育。这几年制定了一系列地方法规,并从实际出发,实行分类指导,注意提高教育质量,使基础教育开始走上以法治教的轨道,保证了义务教育法的正常实施。我省在中央颁布《关于教育体制改革的决定》后,各级党委、人大、政府越来越重视基础教育,采取了一系列措施加强基础教育。省委、省政府作出了《关于加强和改革普通教育的决定》,省人大常委 Our province adopts an active and steady policy and develops basic education. In the past few years, a series of local laws and regulations have been formulated, starting with actual conditions, implementing classified guidance, and paying attention to improving the quality of education, so that basic education can begin to follow the rule of law and guarantee the normal implementation of the Compulsory Education Law. After the province promulgated the “Decision on the reform of the education system,” party committees, people’s congresses, and governments at all levels have paid more and more attention to basic education and adopted a series of measures to strengthen basic education. The Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial Government made the “Decision on Strengthening and Reforming General Education”, the Standing Committee of the Provincial People’s Congress.
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自治区教育本着坚持改革,促进各学校抓日常教学质量的提高,加强初中,减轻学生负担这一基本精神,决定对今年全区初中毕业会考和高中招生考试办法作出补充规定: In the spirit