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为纪念球墨铸铁问世40周年,促进球墨铸铁的开发与应用,中国汽车工程学会汽车材料分会和汽车制造分会铸造委员会于1987年9月15日至18日在湖北省十堰市第二汽车制造厂联合召开了球墨铸铁生产技术交流会。来自全国的汽车厂、拖拉机厂、内燃机厂、球铁专业厂、研究所和专业杂志社等21个单位的50名代表参加了会议。会议先后听取了第二汽车制造厂铸造一厂总工程师黄明德同志作的“关于英国BCIRA 国际球墨铸铁会议与当前国际球铁发展动向”的报告和第二汽车制造厂副总工程师、汽车材料分会主任委员支德瑜同志作的“从经济上的对比分析看球铁件对于锻件与冲压件的竞争优势”的报告,并就我国汽车、农机、内燃机行业球铁生产技术发展中的问题进行了充分讨论,提出了意见和建议。会议期间,与会代表就球铁生产工艺技 To commemorate the 40th anniversary of the introduction of nodular cast iron and promote the development and application of nodular cast iron, the Foundry Committee of the Automobile Materials Branch and the Automobile Manufacturing Sub-committee of the China Association of Automotive Engineers united the Second Automobile Manufacturing Plant in Shiyan, Hubei Province from September 15 to 18, 1987 Held a technical exchange conference on ductile iron production. Fifty representatives from 21 units including auto plants, tractor plants, internal-combustion engine plants, ductile iron specialty plants, research institutes and professional magazines from across the country attended the conference. The meeting heard the report “About BCIRA International Ductile Iron Conference and current international development trend of ductile iron” made by Comrade Huang Mingde, the Chief Engineer of the No.1 Plant of the Second Automobile Manufacturing Plant, and the Deputy Chief Engineer of the Second Automobile Manufacturing Plant and Director of the Automotive Material Branch. Committee member Comrade Du Yuyu’s “Comparison of economic and comparative analysis on the competitive advantages of ductile iron parts for forgings and stamping parts”, and fully developed the issues in the development of ductile iron production technology in the automotive, agricultural and internal combustion engine industries in China. Discussed and put forward opinions and suggestions. During the meeting, the delegates attended the production technology of ductile iron
承 担  暮色降临  拍净身上的尘土  可以坦然面对这个世界了  路的尽头,将有无数道路在延伸  你的脚步是划过天幕的闪电  隐隐的雷声埋藏在内心  一个敢于为黑夜所吞没的人  总有一双洞穿黑夜的眼睛  此时此地  一切在期盼中到来,晚风中的歌吟  你的眺望没入夜色  幸福也就这样衍生开来,像夜晚的草根  岩石、疲惫的心灵,穿过的流水  在敞开的时间里,你看见奔赴的脚印  一只鸟在前方引路,万物静