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全国石油企业,以1987年为例:全年石油工业创总产值183.8亿元,比上年增长了3.07%,企业的总能耗为2281万吨标准煤,比上年增长了1.3%,低于产值的增长速度,其中石油机械制造产值13.4亿元,增长了4.5%,能耗下降了15.3%,各油气田大搞资源综合利用,加强油气净化处理,年回收轻烃60.5万吨、原油61.2万吨:每吨产液量单耗由上年的54.57公斤标煤,降到50.42公斤,下降了4.15%,按此计算全年共节能187万吨标煤,这相当于增产1000万吨原油所需要的能源,做到了节能增产促发展。各企业在加强以节能承包责任制为主要内容的各项基础工作的同时,集中力量抓了以节油、节电为重点的节能科研和技术改造,按照以我为主,加强联合,统筹规划,整体改造,技术先进,工艺配套,形成能力,提高效益的 National oil companies, taking 1987 as an example: The total output value of the petroleum industry for the year was 18.38 billion yuan, an increase of 3.07% over the previous year. The total energy consumption of the enterprises was 22.81 million tons of standard coal, which was an increase of 1.3% from the previous year. In terms of the growth rate of output value, the output value of petroleum machinery manufacturing was 1.34 billion yuan, an increase of 4.5%, and the energy consumption decreased by 15.3%. The oil and gas fields engaged in comprehensive utilization of resources, enhanced oil and gas purification treatment, and annual recovery of 605,000 tons of light hydrocarbons and 61.2 tons of crude oil. 10,000 tons: The unit consumption per ton of liquid produced was reduced from 54.57 kilograms of standard coal of the previous year to 50.42 kilograms, a drop of 4.15%. Based on this calculation, the energy saving of the year totaled 1.87 million tons of standard coal, which was equivalent to an increase of 10 million tons of crude oil. The energy needed to achieve energy-saving production for development. While strengthening the basic work with energy-conserving contract responsibility system as the main content, all enterprises have focused on energy-saving scientific research and technological transformation focusing on saving fuel and electricity, focusing on me, strengthening joint planning, and planning. The overall transformation, advanced technology, process support, ability to form, improve efficiency
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