Improvement of wood properties by composite of diatomite and “phe-nol-melamine-formaldehyde”co-conde

来源 :Journal of Forestry Research | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:goer
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We improved the overall performance of fast-growing poplar by utilizing a low-cost, effective and simple method.The fast-growing poplar was modified by a vacuum-pressure impregnation method with three types of modification solutions composed of phenol-melamine-formaldehyde(PMF) co-condensed resin, diatomite, and3-aminopropyl(diethoxy) methylsilane.We measured the weight percent gain(WPG), bulking, leaching, anti-swelling efficiency(ASE), water-repellent effectiveness(WRE), and oxygen index of the modified specimens.All of the wood physical properties, which are beneficial for human uses, were significantly improved by the treatment.We improved various characteristics of wood and the oxygen index of poplar above48.6% after the modification using diatomite and PMF co-condensed resin. We improved the overall performance of fast-growing poplar by utilizing a low-cost, effective and simple method. Fast-growing poplar was modified by a vacuum-pressure impregnation method with three types of modification solutions composed of phenol-melamine-formaldehyde ( PMF) co-condensed resin, diatomite, and 3-aminopropyl (diethoxy) methylsilane.We measured the weight percent gain (WPG), bulking, leaching, anti-swelling efficiency (ASE), water- repellent effectiveness of the modified specimens. All of the wood physical properties, which are beneficial for human uses, were significantly improved by the treatment. We improved various characteristics of wood and the oxygen index of poplar above 48.6% after the modification using diatomite and PMF co -condensed resin.
南瓜营养丰富,又富含多种矿物质,天寒地冻时,来一碗香甜可口的南瓜羹,让你从内到外都温暖起来。只需用几款简单的原料,就能制作出口感软糯又老少皆宜的甜品,赶紧动手试试吧!  原料  南瓜250克,糯米粉50克,糖1茶匙(5克), 蜂蜜2茶匙(10毫升)  做法  1 南瓜去皮洗净后,切成小片放入蒸锅内,蒸锅内的水烧沸后,继续蒸12分钟左右,用筷子很容易扎透时就熟了。  2 把蒸好的南瓜放入搅拌机中搅打
After Kyrgyzstan gained independence in 1991, the importance of the primary sector for food- and energy-supply increased significantly.This has led to a discuss
摘要 紫砂工艺品的肌理色泽丰富,器表光挺细滑,以其原汁原味的质朴古雅特色著称,在器面上陶刻山水花鸟等形象,十分迎合传统文人的欣赏趣味,所以自古以来便有文人雅士吟诗作画于紫砂工艺品上,再用钢刀进行篆刻作为装饰,使紫砂工艺品成为了具有文化内涵的艺术品。  关键词 紫砂;陶刻;艺术美;陶刻山水长方盆  紫砂陶刻是指用钢刀在紫砂坯件上雕刻书画,陶刻融诗、书、画、刻于一体。符合中国人的审美观。现以民国时期著