The Study on the ecological education of community residents based on the viewpoint of ecological ci

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  【Abstract】The essay focuses on the analysis of necessity and urgency of the mobilization to conduct a comprehensive ecological protection for community residents.The author emphasizes the significance of strengthen community residents ecological education.Based on the present situation of the ecological education of community residents,community residents’ ecological education is carried out,has great significance and importance.
  【Key words】ecological civilization; community resident; ecological education
  Classification number:G
  Ecological civilization is the harmonious development of social civilization.The relation is human beings,between human and nature,man and society.We have great pollution industry on the natural environment.Ecological system is destroyed by industrial pollution.The level of people’s physical health is declining.To the question,scholars have put forward the construction of ecological civilization city.Society has a responsibility to the ecological education of community residents.That can realize the sustainable development of economic and social structure transformation.
  ⅠThe protection the importance and necessity of ecological civilization
  At the beginning of the 20th century,ecology crisis appear constantly.Eight nuisance events make people aware of the seriousness of the ecological damage and consequences.From then on,people begin to pay close attention to ecological protection.Many countries carry out environmental protection activities.However,completely solve the ecological crisis is a long-term and arduous thing.Today,people pay more attention to increase wealth and career success.The development of human society severely damaged the ecological environment.However,these people have been neglected.These problems to promote the ecological environment worsen.These slowly turned into a global ecological crisis.Ecological problem is very serious in our country.Lack of water resources,soil erosion,land desertification,lack of forest resources,atmospheric environmental degradation,biological species decline,resource exploitation,floods,sandstorms,acid rain,red green tide,fog,etc.Although,in the aspect of environmental protection,we have done a lot of work.However,many areas still focus on economic development,don’t care about the environment.The phenomenon that our country’s ecological education attaches great importance to by the whole society people.Because our country ecological environment worsening.How to improve the awareness of ecological protection becomes a problem to solve.   Ⅱ The significance of ecological education to strengthen residents
  The ecology education emphasizes people-oriented.“Follow the ecological philosophy and ecological law,the principle of sustainable development.To deal with all kinds of internal and external relations,promote economic,social,environmental,coordinated development of population quality,etc.,Realizes the human and the nature harmonious coexistence at peace and people,people and society,and common development.”[1]The main performance in improving citizens’ consciousness of environmental protection.Also improve the life quality of community residents.To improve community ecological culture,construction of a harmonious community atmosphere.The ultimate goal is to the human and the nature harmonious gets along with.The significance of ecological education to strengthen residents is mainly manifested in three aspects:
  A.Strengthen the ecological education community residents,promoting the harmonious development of people’s body and mind
  The harmonious development of people must follow two principles:First,man and society coordinated development; Second,the human and the nature harmonious development.The first has led to the full attention of human beings.People have not taken the second point seriously.In the development,ignore the natural,human harm nature.This behavior will eventually hurt us.[2]In order to change this abnormal situation,we must strengthen the protection consciousness and ideas in mind.The construction cannot leave the morality and the rule of law.The emphasis of ecological education is to cultivate awareness.Through education,make people have a healthy lifestyle and thinking mode that is to protect the ecological environment.This way can effectively improve the community residents’ environmental awareness,green consciousness,and the consciousness of saving.This will encourage community residents really care for the environment.
  B.Strengthen the ecological education community residents,promoting the social harmony and sustainable development
  Sustainable development is an important feature of ecological civilization.The model is a kind of harmonious and natural development.That is the foundation of the economy and ecological environment harmonious unification.And he will make human offspring long enjoy benefits.Although,the concept of sustainable development has been existed for decades.This concept has achieved certain results.However,ecological environment problems still exist,and deteriorating.The present situation of the environment is not optimistic.So,we must carry out the aspects of education activities.The purpose is to strengthen the ecological protection consciousness of social members,realize social sustainable development.A community resident of ecological education has a very important role.   C.Strengthen the ecological education community residents,promoting the social harmony and natural development
  The thought of“nature and humanity” is an important part of Chinese traditional cultural spirit.[3]The rites doctrine also mentioned that this kind of thought.China’s industry is developing very quickly.But the ecological environment was severely damaged.In recent years,natural disasters frequently occur throughout the country.The earth is humanity’s common living space,ecological protection also needs the joint efforts of people.
  Ⅲ The present situation of the ecological education of community residents
  In 1973,the concept of“ecological education”was put forward at the first national conference on environmental protection.With the development of the society,the living environment more and more gets people’s attention.Ecological society,ecological community,such as concept began to emerge.Countries have also made many policies for the construction of ecological residential area.
  With the augmentation of the ecological protection consciousness,environmental groups more and more increasing.Ecological education is carried out in the civil organizations.Ecological education is gradually in the community.At present,the community residents’ ecological education faces many challenges:
  A.Ecological education system is not perfect
  (a)The ecological education system is not perfect
  First of all,the school does not pay attention to the ecological aspects of education.Second,community ecological education is not complete education system.The operations have not strict procedures.The effect of the education is poor.
  (b)The education means little
  German educationalist Ferro bell once said:“the person’s education is to inspire and teach,as a kind of self awakening,with thoughts and wisdom of people consciously and unconsciously,a perfect expression of the inner law.That is the spirit of god.”[4]He is the purpose of education is to inspire students to create awareness.Ecological education is needed to attract public attention in the form of rich.However,in reality,the ecological education lack of cultivating the consciousness of people.
  (c)The lack of professional guidance
  Professional field of ecological education have development quickly.However,experts rarely participate in social public education.Ecological education lack of professional and targeted.
  Ⅳ the main form of community residents’ ecological education and feasibility   Community residents of ecological education are primarily a wall newspaper,publicity column,radio,Internet and other media.The effect of the education way is not ideal.In view of the present situation,can improve the education mode from four aspects:
  First,the standardization.Community should always carry out publicity and training,management and supervision system is established.Push all community residents to participate in the ecological protection.
  Second,strengthen the cooperation with professional colleges and universities.Community invited experts in residents’ ecological education of the school.Can cooperate with the school and community.For example,the school library is open to residents,to provide more learning resources for the residents.
  Third,the ecological environmental protection organizations to participate in community education.Community ecological education can cooperate with environmental groups.Within the community,they can conduct environmental science exhibition activities; improve the ecological civilization quality of community residents.
  Fourth,calling on social elite to increase support for community ecology education.The government needs to formulate relevant laws and regulations.In this way to ensure ecological education can smooth implementation.
  Ⅴ Conclusion
  Ecological education should be a common behavior of the whole society to participate in.Only are actively involved in the whole society,to ensure the long-term implementation of ecological education.In the long run,the human and the nature harmonious ecological community will become a reality.
  [1]Feng ying Zhang.Community ecological education research[D].Fuzhou:fujian normal university,2010,(10):44-46.
  [2]Yang dong.The necessity of ecological education and the goal and way[J].Chinese journal of education,1992,(4):38-39.
  [3]Lao tze of the[M].Changsha:yuelu press press,2011.
  [4]zhen lin wang.“people’s education”blessing bell’s education ethics research[D]Nanjing:nanjing normal university,2009.
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