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目的:探讨剖宫产手术切口感染的监测内容以及相应的临床干预措施,为剖宫产手术切口感染患者临床护理提供重要依据。方法:选取2013年12月至2014年6月我院医师进行手术过程监测和干预,监测医师的剖宫产手术情况,在2013年12月以及2014年6月分别进行感染监测和感染干预。结果:在半年内,共为300例患者实施了剖宫产手术,2013年12月的手术切口感染率达到了9.09%,2014年1月的手术切口感染率达到了1.00%,两月差异存在统计学意义(P<0.05);且在手术当中,医生手术规范与否、分离技术水平如何等因素是决定切口感染率大小的主要因素,对医师手术行为进行有效干预之后,切口感染率大大降低,后期主要通过让患者头孢呋辛等药物进行抗菌治疗。结论:影响剖宫产手术切口感染情况的因素是比较多的,只有避免这些因素出现,给予医生有效的手术干预,才能降低手术切口感染率,进行剖宫产手术切口感染监测和干预是十分有效的,值得临床推广。 Objective: To investigate the monitoring content of incisional wound infection in caesarean section and the corresponding clinical intervention measures, and provide an important basis for the clinical nursing of patients with cesarean section incision infection. Methods: From December 2013 to June 2014, our hospital physicians monitored and intervened the surgical procedure, monitored the cesarean section operation of the physician, and performed infection surveillance and infection intervention in December 2013 and June 2014 respectively. Results: In half a year, a total of 300 patients underwent cesarean section. The incisional infection rate in December 2013 was 9.09%. The surgical incision infection rate in January 2014 was 1.00%. There was a difference of two months Statistical significance (P <0.05); and in the operation, the doctor’s operation norms, the level of separation techniques and other factors is the main factor in determining the size of the incision infection, effective intervention of the physician’s surgical behavior, the incision infection rate is greatly reduced , The latter mainly through the antibacterial treatment of patients with cefuroxime and other drugs. CONCLUSIONS: There are many factors influencing the incision infection in cesarean section. Only by avoiding these factors, effective surgical intervention can reduce the surgical incision infection rate. Surgical monitoring and intervention of cesarean section incision infection is very effective The worth of clinical promotion.
Writing is thought not only as the result of an individual cognitive process,but also is a social and cultural act.It is one of the productive skills and can re
摘 要: 赏识教育是一种充满爱的教育,是尊重学生的教育,是饱含人情味的个性化教育。赏识教育最大的特点在于它根据学生的优缺点有针对性地教育,从另一个角度说,它是从情感层面对学生进行教育的。本文探究如何通过赏识教育这种方式进一步推进初中英语教学,希望研究得到的结论对初中英语新课标改革后教师找到适当的教学方法有一定帮助。  关键词: 赏识教育 初中英语教学 教学应用  一、关于赏识教育的界定  1.赏识
没有人不曾呕吐过。呕吐最常见的原因是食物中毒。食物中的毒素会刺激胃和小肠黏膜中的肠嗜铬细胞分泌一种叫5-羟色胺的神经递质,5-羟色胺进而和迷走神经末梢的受体结合,产生的神经信号传导到位于脑干的呕吐中枢,由它发出呕吐的命令。  在呕吐开始之前的几分钟,胃先放松,为呕吐做准备。然后,从小肠的中部开始强有力的收缩,以每秒5~10厘米的速度快速地向胃蔓延,把小肠中的东西挤回到胃内。接着,腹部肌肉和膈膜反复