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   In 2nd March, 2012, Africa lost Lawrence Anthony, an ardent conservationist who died of a heart attack. He is perhaps known best as the Elephant Whisperer, but he was also a founder of the Earth Organization in 2003. He talked to Ugandan war rebels in the Congo, to protect the white rhinoceroses, he also fought to save crocodiles and other species.
   In the mid 1990s, he bought one of South Africa’s largest private game reserves called Thula Thula. Elephants were not part of the plan, but in 1999, he was offered nine elephants and told should he not take this troublesome herd, they would be shot.
   Unfortunately in the round up, one of the females and her baby was shot trying to evade capture. When the herd arrived, they had to be sedated until they calmed down. When the side door opened the matriarch emerged, followed by her baby bull, three females and an 11-yearold bull. Last off was the 15-year-old son of the female who was shot. He flared his ears and with a trumpet of rage he charged, just stopping short of the fence.
   Nana, the matriarch was an escape artist of note and had worked out how to break through electric fences. That night, the two females, worked together to fell a tree which pushed down the fence. They had somehow found the generator and trampled it like a tin can. They then headed north, luckily they managed to find them and bring the herd back to Thula Thula.
   Lawrence Anthony fought a desperate battle for their survival and trust.
   That first night back again in the Reserve, he awoke to see the elephants facing the fence, Nana ready to break it down and make another escape. At 4:45 a.m., Anthony stood in front of this violent, wild female elephant, with her calf. A more dangerous combination is hard to find.
   She tensed her enormous frame and flared her ears.“Don’t do it, Nana, ” he said as calmly as possible, “Please don’t do it girl, this is your home now.” Anthony said, that as he continued talking to her, the rest of the herd froze and Nana’s eyes bored into him. “They’ll kill you all if you break out, this is your home now, you have no need to run. Stay here.” Anthony said that, in a flash, it came to him, he would live with the herd, be with them day and night.
   She took another step forward, and Anthony could see her tense up again, ready to go through the fence, and he was directly in her path. Then there was suddenly some spark of recognition flared and Nana turned and melted into the bush, the rest of herd following.    Later he was offered another troubled elephant named ET, who was alone, as her herd had been either sold or shot. The inimitable Nana saved Lawrence’s life, when ET charged him. Lawrence said he had no idea how Nana moved to so quickly stepped in front of Lawrence, and place herself broadside to the charging ET. ET stopped, looked at Nana, then turned and walked away. Nana nonchalantly carried on eating, quite unaware of how shaken and grateful Lawrence was to her.
   All the severely traumatised elephants settled down, and two separate herds grew and stayed happily within 5000 acres of Thula Thula.
   The remarkable part of this story, is that on Lawrence Anthony’s death, two herds of wild South African elephants slowly made their way through the Zululand bush, a journey which must have taken them at least 12 hours, until they reached the house of the late Anthony, the man who had saved their lives. The former violent, traumatised elephants who were once destined to be shot as pests, rehabilitated by Anthony, arrived and stayed at his rural compound, on the vast game reserve to say goodbye to the man they loved.
   No one knows how they knew Lawrence had died in Johannesburg, over 600 kilometers away.
   Both herds arrived at the family home, which they had not visited for a year and a half. They all hung around for a couple of days before making their way back to the bush. Extraordinary proof of animal sensitivity and awareness that only a few humans can perceive, Lawrence being one of them.
   If there were a time, when we can truly sense the wondrous interconnectedness of all beings, it is when we reflect on the elephants of Thula Thula. A man’s heart stops, and elephants’ hearts are grieving. This man’s loving heart offered to heal these elephants, and now they came to pay loving homage to their beloved human friend.
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