Lu Xun’s Short Story Retold in Opera

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  In commemoration of the 130th anniversary of the birthday of Lu Xun (1881-1936), a great writer of the 20th century of China and native of Shaoxing, a city in eastern Zhejiang, Jin Yongling Opera Troupe staged “The New Year Sacrifice” at the Great Hall of the People of Zhejiang. Adapted from Lu Xun’s namesake short story in 1924, the opera play was the first original opera creation in Zhejiang.
   Jin Yongling is a preeminent soprano (Cultural Dialogue ran a story on her and her troupe in the issue of July 2007). She worked as a pro soprano for years before she retired from the province’s top song and dance troupe. She now works as a teacher at Zhejiang University of Science and Technology and operates a private opera troupe named after her. The private troupe had staged many performances across Zhejiang before the latest artwork.
  In 2010, she wondered if she could create an opera play herself. Her friends in and outside the entertainment industry tried to persuade her not to try the wild idea. No opera play could make a cent of profit and some state-owned troupes could not do it even though they had been around for decades. How could she manage to create an opera and make money with her private troupe?
  With the concern and support of Mr. Shen Zulun, the former governor of Zhejiang Province, Jin Yongling formed a partnership with the CPC Shaoxing County Committee to create an opera show about Qiu Jin (1875-1907) in 2011, the year that marks the 100 anniversary of the 1911 revolution. Jin and her creative team worked together for half a year, doing field studies in Shaoxing and preparing the creation when the ownership of the copyrights of Qiu Jin changed hands suddenly, meaning that all her preliminary work was a waste of time.
  For a while, she felt she was totally lost. Mr. Shen Zulun suggested a brand new idea: why not try to adapt Lu Xun’s 1924 short story “The New Year Sacrifice” into an opera play? The idea appealed to Jin instantly and tremendously. She wondered why she had not thought of the great idea.
  She needed to answer two questions before she would go all out to create an opera adaptation of the story. Did she look like the tragic mid-aged woman who lost her hope of life by losing two marriages and her boy through a series of misfortunes? Jin’s previous roles were revolutionary heroines. She was not completely sure that she would look like a woman afflicted with tragedy. What would be the significance of the story to the audience of today? The question has been answered repeatedly, for Lu Xun’s masterpiece has been adapted many times in other regional operas. Jin and her team answered the question again: Sister Xianglin’s misfortune in rural Zhejiang symbolizes the man-eat-man nature of the feudal society. The story expresses deep sympathy with the people.
  The creative team includes many a big name: Wang Xiaolin, the deputy chairman of China Musical Literature Association, wrote the script and all the lyrics. Wang Zujie and Zhang Zhuoya, a husband and wife partnership, composed the music. They followed their guideline faithfully: a Chinese opera should feature a comprehensive beauty. They put the national style and elements into the structure of western opera. “Questions to Heaven,” an aria at the climax of the opera, was composed with the idea of displaying Jin Yongling’s artistic qualities. The aria is considered the most difficult singing challenge in the history of Chinese operas.
爱好音乐的你也许发现,似乎一夜之间,全国都在搞音乐节。光是浙江省,今年就有8月的桃花岛音乐节、10月初的海宁潮音乐节。10月29日至30日,在杭州最美的秋季,2011西湖国际音乐节如期在太子湾公园举行,崔健、卢广仲、田原、邵夷贝、左小祖咒、万晓利等超豪华阵容全部集结在西湖边。  虽然是西湖成功申遗后的第一次音乐节,但一如往届那样,活动不讲排场,明星没有距离,一切都以音乐为中心。  我有幸参与了这场
周恩来爱好戏剧,重视戏剧。他曾多次观看故乡的昆剧、越剧、绍剧、婺剧,对浙江地方戏剧给予亲切的关怀。     “你们浙江做了一件好事:一出戏救活了一个剧种。《十五贯》有丰富的人民性和相当高的艺术性。”  昆曲是集我国的历史、文学、表演、音乐、舞台艺术于一体的古老剧种,在全国有很大的影响。  周恩来一生多次观看过昆剧表演,对不少昆剧剧目从剧情内容到表演程式都有中肯的评价。  解放前夕,昆剧濒临绝唱。
金秋的西子湖畔,天高气爽,在如织的游人中,一对老夫妻在白堤上匆匆行走,“楼外楼到了!”  面带微笑的服务小姐热情地把两位老人引进餐厅,待老人落座后,服务小姐又递上菜单,请老人点菜。两位老人一边商量一边点菜。10多分钟后菜上来了,他们津津有味地品尝西湖醋鱼、龙井虾仁等菜肴,并连连点头赞道:“味道正宗!”    名菜佳肴 湖楼飘香  楼外楼素以经营杭州传统名菜而闻名于世,在烹饪技艺上逐渐形成了独树一
今年,正值昆曲表演艺术大师周传瑛诞辰100周年,也是昆曲被列入世界非物质文化遗产名录10周年,杭州举办名家折子戏专场演出及周传瑛学术研究会等纪念活动。  在“十年”“百龄”时节,笔者走访了浙江昆剧团,采写了薪火永续,浙昆“传、世、盛、秀”四代同堂的兴旺局面。    “昆曲,发源于14、15世纪苏州昆山的曲唱艺术体系,糅合了唱念做表、舞蹈及武术的表演艺术。”这是中华书局《现代汉语词典》中,对昆曲的解
2011年12月24日,在泰国访问的国家副主席习近平,专门抽时间参观了泰国朱拉隆功大学孔子学院。习近平说,教育的文化交流是增进各国人民相互了解的重要纽带,它能增进人民相互间的了解和友谊,为促进国与国的平等合作、互利共赢,为促进人类不同文明之间的相互学习借鉴作出新贡献。  近年来,党和国家领导人出访,往往会参观当地的孔子学院,参加相关活动。  但很多人不知道的是,浙江西部的一所中学,很早以前就开始了
10月18日,本刊接待了来自印度世界合作与文化关系联合会代表团的一行7位印度友人。双方进行了愉快的会见与座谈。  本刊总编辑应金泉向客人表示欢迎,并介绍了《文化交流》杂志的概况。他说,浙江,物华天宝,人杰地灵,山川秀美,文化底蕴深厚。在这块人文荟萃、友好交流频繁的土地上,才能诞生这本发行到150多个国家和地区,走过26年历史的中英文对照月刊。杂志注重宣传国内外的优秀文化和独特民俗,希望印度朋友积极
2011年金秋十月,京杭大运河畔,杭州工艺美术馆正式开馆迎客。  它是在保护和利用原红雷丝织厂老厂房的基础上,对中国刀剪剑、扇、伞三大专业博物馆的扩容和升级。在国际著名博物馆设计团队——日本丹青社的设计布局下,博物馆呈现出新颖的格局和现代气息。古运河、旧厂房、新展馆,不仅延续着工艺美术的绵长历史,而且见证着杭州文化创意产业的新发展。    铜雕石雕艺术相映成辉  杭州工艺美术馆的大门,朝北开着,紧
Hangzhou Arts and Crafts Museum was officially launched in October 2011. Situated on the Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal, the museum is a structure remodeled from old workshops of now defunct Red Thunder
On September 24, 2011, a ceremony was held at Hangzhou Library in celebration of the ten-year career of Cang Yue (her pen name), a genre writer based in Hangzhou. Cang Yue is a woman writer famed for