
来源 :水土保持 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:baolm
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根据水利部领导上的安排,我参加了赴美水土保持考察团。美国水土流失情况如何?水土保持工作做的怎样?有什么经验和问题?我就是带着这些问号到美国参观考察的。 考察团在美国一个月,受到美国农业部水土保持局系统朋友们热情友好的接待,使我们完成了考察任务,我个人也有很大的收获。总的观感概括起来是:美国有水土流失,有些地区还是比较严重的(和我们相比还是轻的),但他们非常重视,采取立法案、建机构、拨专款、抓科研、搞示范、大宣传,把水土保持作为发展农林牧生产和改造河山的重要内容,几十年来坚持不懈,在一些地区取得扎实显著的成绩。当然问题也是存在的。 According to the arrangements made by the leaders of the Ministry of Water Resources, I attended the soil and water conservation study tour to the United States. What is the status of soil and water loss in the United States? What are the experiences of water and soil conservation? What are the experiences and problems? I just went to visit the United States with these question marks. A month in the United States, the delegation received a warm and friendly reception from friends of the USDA Soil and Water Conservation Department. As a result, we completed the mission of inspection and I personally also achieved great accomplishments. The general feeling is summed up as follows: There are soil and water loss in the United States, and some areas are still relatively serious (still lighter than ours). However, they attach great importance to taking legislative bills, establishing institutions, allocating special funds, grasping scientific research, Propaganda, regard water and soil conservation as an important part of developing agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, production and transformation of rivers and lakes and have persevered for decades and achieved solid and remarkable achievements in some areas. Of course, the problem is there.
AIM:To investigate whether human acyl-CoA synthetase 5(ACSL5) is sensitive to the ACSL inhibitor triacsin C.METHODS:The ACSL isoforms ACSL1 and ACSL5 from rat a
本文就第四纪红土所发育的三种不同地势和不同肥力的水稻士的微团聚体特性,进行初步研究,其结果可概括为如下两点: (1)三种水稻土中钠分散微团聚体(C_1)的含量都在10%以下。